

The Personal and Professional Development

Assignment Requirements


Assessments :


Assignment 1


Individual preparation and submission of your Portfolio of Proposals following lectures and classroom discussion 60% Week 9. Submit your Personal and Professional Development Report on turnitin under “PPD Report”. Submit supplementary Portfolio items on turnitin under “Portfolio”. Cut and paste the items for your portfolio into one document as turnitin will only take one submission at a time.


Your Portfolio


Your portfolio will consist of papers and exercises undertaken during the semester. These will be completed over the semester and will include the following items:




The Personal and Professional Development Report (3,000words)

See below for a full descripton

2 Time Management Diary
3 Example of your online presence (LinkedIn/Iprospects)





The Personal and Professional Development Report (Wordcount 3,000)


Using the SOAR and MAP guidelines you are asked to write a report outlining your journey over the last year. This is a reflective report where you can discuss both your strengths and weaknesses and how you will build on these or address them.


Using SOAR principles( Self Awareness, Opportunity Awareness, Aspirations and Results), reflect on the knowledge and skills you have acquired and how they match the needs of a Manager working in an international business environment. You should also refer to specific units you have taken over the last year and how they will relate to the sector in which you want to work.


With MAP (motivation, ability, personality) identify your personal ‘U.S.Ps’(your story – what is unique about you) and how this aligns itself with your identified career trajectory.


Add information about further education/ training/ opportunities you may be planning or feel desirable to meet your objectives.



Although this is a reflective report you will still need to support your ideas with expert opinion i.e.reference to websites, books, articles or journals you have used in class or through your independent research.


Report Outline

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Findings (including SOAR and MAP headings)
  • What you hope to achieve
  • how will you get their
  • what may stop you   (what further development do you need)          

6.         Conclusion

  1. References


Marking Criteria :

  • Use of format 10%
  • Citations (Referencing in the text) 15%
  • Clarity of writing 15%
  • Content   (including use of relevant theories) 60%


Note: Only the PPD Report is a summative paper and carries marks. The other papers and exercises are formative assessments but must be present in your portfolio to pass this unit. If they are not present you will lose marks.



Assignment 2


Portfolio 2 (40%). This will include the following :

  • 30 second written ‘elevator pitch’ where you must ‘sell’ yourself as if to a prospective employer/financer
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • CV
  • Company profile
  • Constructive alignment of your skills with prospective job
  • Application letter/business plan


After your formative presentation, (Week 12) you will submit your documents electronically. Remember to submit in one word documents or turnitin will not accept your submission.


Assessment Criteria


  • Clear use of prescribed formats
  • Professional presentation of documents
  • Evidence of constructive alignment


Note: if you have alternative career plans i.e. you will undertake a PhD or you will join your family business, please see your tutor for alternative paperwork.



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