


What separates Top Academic Essay from other essay writing services?

At Top Academic Essay, we always consider the needs of our clients first. Our writers are highly qualified scholars, and most of them have been published in various peer-reviewed academic journals. We offer extremely affordable prices and a guaranteed grade of at least 70% on all essays. Many of our previous customers have even filed disputes because of their grades being too high!

Is your writing original and how can I confirm this?

Yes. We carefully monitor all of our writers and have a zero tolerance for any form of plagiarism. To provide the highest quality writing services, we offer all of our clients a plagiarism report from Turnitin, at no extra charge. This plagiarism report confirms whether or not an essay has been plagiarized, and provides you with a peace of mind knowing that any essay we deliver will be a top notch academic writing. You can be 100% sure that we take originality very seriously.

How can I trust that I will be given a quality essay, delivered on time?

We at Top Academic Essay makes a strong effort to meet deadlines. When your deadline is due, you can be sure that we will deliver high-quality papers under the specified time limit (even in less than 24 hours if necessary!). Our aim is to provide the highest quality custom writing services at affordable prices.

Is the use of essay writing services prohibited by most colleges and universities?

Technically no. Though plagiarism is strictly unacceptable within any academic context, we assign highly specialized writers at all educational levels to assist our clients to reach their academic goals. It means we also help clients edit their essays and provide a detail oriented feedback. In most cases, we aim to allow students to comprehend the content better and assist them to work through any difficulties and hurdles they face in the classroom.

Do you offer any discounts for returning clients?

Yes!We offer flexible discounts to returning customers, and for referrals, we offer up to 15%. Many of our clients continue to hire our custom writing services throughout their academic careers. We are also very elated to receive referrals and provide discounts for any new recommendations made to Top Academic Essay.

Latest completed orders:

# topic title discipline academic level pages delivered
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1 hour 32 min
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2 hours 36 min