Airline management-Economic,financial and commercial assessment of AlJazeera airline
Marking Scheme:Maximum Marks Available
1. Application of key economic, financial theories and approaches40
2. Application of module learning align with key industry trends 20
3. Analysis and formulating opportunities & challenges 15
4. Conclusion and recommendation10
5. Personal learning experience 5
6. Report format, breadth and depth of research, referencing, layout,
grammar, referencing, precision, Turnitin similarity etc 10
Word limit no more than 3000 words
1. Application of key economic, financial theories and approaches40
2. Application of module learning align with key industry trends 20
3. Analysis and formulating opportunities & challenges 15
4. Conclusion and recommendation10
5. Personal learning experience 5
6. Report format, breadth and depth of research, referencing, layout,
grammar, referencing, precision, Turnitin similarity etc 10
Word limit no more than 3000 words