

Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category

Web & Database Design

Everything else is in the documents.

Project Summary
Your web application project for the Semester is to design and develop a task/chore roster system for shared spaces that allows managers to set tasks, notifies users of their tasks, and allows users to mark tasks as complete.

Upon loading the system should display
Current tasks that need to be done today
The user who is assigned that task
Users should be able to sign up and log in so they can
View their scheduled tasks
Manage their profile/user information
Manage their availability
Manage the types of tasks they can/want to do.
Managers should be able to sign up and log in to:
Manage their profile/manager information
Create and manage different tasks.
Group tasks.
Assign tasks or groups of tasks to users.
Users/managers should be able to choose to link a social media/email/other account, allowing login via that platform, to make logging in easier.
One of the fo

Term paper and presentation

There are four research articles in the set below.  You will choose one of these articles to write and prepare a presentation for the class.  This will be similar to a term paper (and will include a significant writing component), but will mostly resemble a "Journal Club" where articles are presented in a manner that the audience learns something new about current research in the field.
Create a 2 page summary and 10 slide presentation along with a side paper including talking points when presenting the power point.


Write a Python program that outputs the numbers from 1 to 100. However, if the
number is divisible by 3, it should output Fizz instead. If the number is divisible by 5,
it should output Buzz instead. If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, output
Fizzbuzz. An example output for the first 36 numbers would be:
1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, Fizz Buzz, 16, 17, Fizz,
19, Buzz, Fizz, 22, 23, Fizz, Buzz, 26, Fizz, 28, 29, Fizz Buzz, 31, 32, Fizz, 34, Buzz,
Fizz, ...

Schnel Rose

Question 1

You are employed to a software firm and is assigned to work on coding of the menu section of a library software. Create a structure containing book information such as accession number, name of author, book title and ensure that the software has the capability to flag to determine whether a book was issued or not to a member of the library.
You are therefore required to create a menu in which the following are critical to its functionalities.
    Display book information
    Add a new book
    Display all the books in the library of a particular author
    Display the number of books of a particular title
    Display the total number of books in the library
    Issue a book
N.B. (If we issue a book, then its number gets decreased by 1 and if we add a book, its number gets increased by 1)

Lab 4: Air Resistance

Most information is given, I just don't have time to complete it myself some issues turned up. There is a video link as well that corresponds to the assignment. If clicking the link doesn't work the name of it is "Flipping Physics A Brief Look at the Force of Drag using Numerical Modeling (or The Euler Method)". I don't expect perfection as the highest I've gotten on these labs were 90%.

Assembly program

Perform a program written in ASSEMBLY 486, on Linux, with the requirements indicated below

The program should ask the user for the name of the file to be read.
The program opens a text file and performs one of the following operations:
1- Read the contents of the file, change the lowercase to uppercase letters, and print the result on the screen
2-Read the contents of the file, change capitals to lowercase, and print the result on the screen
3-Read the contents of the file, eliminate punctuation characters, and print the result on the screen
4-Read the contents of the file, eliminate the figures, and print the result on the screen
5-Read the contents of the file, eliminate all letters, and print the result on the screen
6-Read the contents of the file, leave only the punctuation marks, and print the result on the screen

The previous options must be displayed on the screen and the user chooses the desired option.
After ex

Object Oriented Python Code Robot Car

Write Python code including object-oriented classes for a robot car's major components: Controller(Raspberry Pi), Sensor(Anti Collision Sensor, End effector(Wheel), and Actuator(Motor).

Each of these component classes will be used to create objects that will be a part of the car robot's type. At least one object of each of the component types must be a member of the car's class: one robot object will have one controller and at least one object of the rest of the component classes. These component objects will be data variables of the car's class meaning that when a car object is created, it will contain a software representation of each component, making the class a proper simulation.

(a) Define a constructor function that defines and initializes the data variables
(b) Declare objects for at least one of each robot component described as data variables
(c) Add code to make your car trigger its controller to activate its other components
(d)Add code to make your c

Mock up MVP of online boxing website

a website that teaches boxing online during the covid 19,

-prototype must be done using marvelapp
-deliverable must be submited posting the link of the 'play' button to see the final result
-design must be realistic, so no 'default components' will be considered as  a good job
-workflows must be complete and closed. make sure a user can go back from any step and you don't let any button/link/menu tab without interaction

Evaluation criteria:

- evaluate the level of the design. The more custom and realistic the better
- evaluate the navigation of the web/app. Complete flows are a must
-evaluate the usability of the web/app. Make sure you put the elements where the user expect to find them (i.e: menus on the top, copyrights on the bottom, etc)

CANVA TOOL graphic design

Using as examples the following ones:

And using CANVA as a tool,
Create an infographic explaining the content shared in the  the 'Personal Management' slides attached objective is to explain how to plan your work better

Communicating with stakeholders and managing conflict

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
Determine appropriate ways to communicate information to internal and external stakeholders
Apply communication techniques to effectively negotiate and manage conflict

You are the manager of a team of 10 software developers working on a new application for your company, Optimum Way Development, which is based out of Raleigh, North Carolina. Your organization recently acquired a smaller software company based in San Jose, California. You have been informed that your team will be bringing on five people from this newly acquired company; all five people will be moving to Raleigh to join your team.
You schedule a phone call with the five new team members and discover that they are upset about the recent impersonal message they received from human resources informing them that they would have to relocate to Raleigh in order to stay employed; no one expressed excitement about joining