

Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category


Assessment Description:
Answer all the questions below. You should compile a well-constructed, formal written report of no more than 2,000 words that encompasses industry standard and fundamental digital security best practices. The assignment will specify a different scenario on which to base the context of your answers. Whilst your target audience has some level of IT knowledge, they have employed you as the subject expert. Answers to each question should be provided at a level of technical detail sufficient to that target audience in the given scenario. You should apply the knowledge gained from the lectures, and compliment this with your own research in order to demonstrate an understanding of the subject material, explaining the technology and how it applies to the context of the given scenario, providing suitable examples where appropriate.
Question 1: (40 marks)
You have just started a new role as a security specialist at Ruskin College. The college consists of 5 buildi

Hypothesis Testing

#One sided confidence intervals

#For p

mean( CUSTREACQUIRE$Reacquire == "Yes" )

#Old reacquire policy got 60% of churned customers. New one is cheaper, and may not be as effective
#Ho: p=0.6 vs. HA: p < 0.6
binom.test(295,500,alternative = "less", p=0.6)
# 95 percent confidence interval:
# 0.0000000 0.6267122
#60% is still a plausible value for p, retain Ho

#Is the average lifetimevalue 2 larger than lifetime value 1?
#Ho: mu2 = mu1 vs. HA: mu2 > mu1
#Ho: mu2 - mu1 = 0 vs HA: mu2 - mu1 > 0
SUB <- subset(CUSTREACQUIRE,Reacquire=="Yes")
# 95 percent confidence interval:
# 110.8438 Inf

#Median Age < 53?
# < alternative wants (-Inf, quantile(,.95)

Ordinary Differential Equations

Please do Homework 7. There are 4 questions in homework 7. Please answer all questions and all parts. So do both use MATLAB and answer the questions.  Please send me both the MATLAB codes and the solutions to the all parts of the questions. I also attached chapter 7 notes to help assist in the questions. Please have this done by noon of Wednesday, April 22.


ELC 128

Programmable Logic controllers

Bit Shift Register

LAB #23

NAME ___________

Use I/O simulation in Logixpro to simulate the following process.

There are 16 outputs that we are controlling. O:2/0 O:2/15

Program in a shift register that clocks every 3 seconds. Three seconds is the amount of time that part stays in each station. Use proximity switch to indicate if the part is present.(I:1/0)

The data from the proximity sensor will be shifted to the left through O:2.0 every three seconds.

Hint: If proximity sensor is on, O:2/0 comes on first, three seconds later O:2/1 comes on if the sensor stays on.


Use I/O simulation in Logixpro to simulate the following process.

The preset value of a timer (T4:0.PRE) can be changed by pressing and releasing 5 assigned PBNO switches (I:1/0, I:1/1,.). The five preset values are 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Hint: First move 5 Timer preset values to N7:0 through N7:4

N7:0 =100

N7:1 = 200

N7:2 =300

N7:3 =400

N7:4 =500

Second, use the switches to move the integers to T4:0.PRE (pressing a switch triggers the move)

Example. Pressing and releasing I:0/0 will change the preset value to 100

Python Simulation of an Internet Router

develop a discrete-event simulation of an Internet router
with a single input queue and a single output interface. The packets arrive following a random Poisson
process, with a pre-defined average time between two arriving packets. The Poisson process is
characterized with an exponential distribution of inter-arrival times. The packets have random sizes
the packet size should be calculated by the simulator at the packet arrival. The packet size should be
considered a random variable with exponential distribution. In the case the packet has arrived and
cannot be immediately served, it has to wait for the first available opportunity to be served. The packet
size determines the service time duration.

Radixsort linked list

Your application should be able to sort a list of strings from an input file using Radix Sort.
Assume the maximum length of the input string is 15 characters; the input file would contain an unspecified number of strings. The input file should contain one string in each line. Having read the strings successfully, your application should then sort the input strings using the Radix Sort algorithm.
The user should be displayed a menu with the options necessary to run the functionalities of the program (i.e., read the input file, print the strings before sorting, sort the strings, print the sorted strings, and exit).

Python Programming Work

A set of questions I am unable to conduct given certain circumstances,

Paste your solutions to the exercises, and your reflective commentary, into a single Word document and upload it here. When pasting in Python code, make sure you use a fixed width font such as Courier new in order to preserve indentation.


the file named SPSS+ASSIGNMENT is the real task (question) that need to be done

the file named SPSS+ASSIGNMENT+TABLES+AND_FIGURES_SAMPLE IS sample of how the final outcome needs to be represented, which means that by using the question from file (spss+assignment), you need to layout the results in this format (SPSS+ASSIGNMENT +TABLE+AND+FIGURE_SAMPLE)

the file named SPSS+EXERCISE is for reference on how to design the layout of the final document (which is illustrated in file SPSS+ASSIGNMENT +TABLE+AND+FIGURE_SAMPLE).

Computer Information Systems Field Project

This is a capstone course that provides students with practical application of computer skills by participation in a planned and coordinated field project. At the start of the class, specific goals and requirements will be carefully outlined to ensure that the student is aware of his or her responsibilities.