

Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category

Fuzzy Logic Presentation

Create a Powerpoint presentation with the work provided and/or outside work. Also, I need a separate word document on what to say on each slide. I have a video of other presentations. The presentation has to be 5 minutes. I have research paper and other stuff included. Also, have the presentation centered about fuzzy logic and not all the medical stuff. Let me know if more info is needed.

Movie Project

You will choose a movie from the list below. After watching the movie, you will write a review detailing how it relates to this class(History 1301). In the review, you should tell me when the movie takes place (i.e. the historical context), what are the film makers saying about the time, what does this movie say about our historical memory of an event. You will also need to include an outside source about the event or events detailed in the chosen movie. That means you will also need a Works Cited page. Your reviews should be at least 3 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font with one-inch margins.

Movie List
The Pride of the Yankees
Apollo 13
Tora! Tora! Tora!
All the Presidents Men
Walt Before Mickey
The Lost Battalion
The Killing Fields
Hidden Figures
Walk the Line
Flags of Our Fathers
Good Morning Vietnam
Hacksaw Ridge
Memphis Bell
Red Tails
Bridge Over the River Kwai

Composition Assignment

Reach a public audience through one of the following public genres:
    Presentation (page 202)
    News Article (page 215)
    Editorial or Op-Ed (page 225)
    Advertisement (page 232)
    Wikipedia Entry (page 239)
    Photo Essay (page 245)
    Graphic Memoir (page 251)
    Fairy Tale (page 266)
You can choose the genre, and you will need to student the rhetorical situation and genre expectations for your chosen genre in Chapter 9, where you will find helpful analysis of the genre and a roadmap for creating a composition of your own in that genre.
What are the requirements?
Since there are eight different genres to choose from, there are eight different sets of requirements. In addition to the rhetorical situation and genre expectations and conventions for your genre of choice that are explained in Chapter 9, you must meet the foll

Revision of BIO 320 Lab Report

Please reference the excellent Microbio lab report example for this revision. A major part that needs to be is the materials and method section, and results section. Please fix the data tables using Excel and please go more in depth, but too in depth with the materials and method section. Format this paper in columns. Please remember to watch for plagiarism and follow CSE guidelines. I will update you along the way any other feedback i receive for making corrections to the lab report. Thank you. If you need anymore information please don't hesitate to ask, I want us to work together and get everything looking its best.

Fuzzy Logic Presentation

Create a Powerpoint presentation with the work provided and/or outside work. Also, I need a separate word document on what to say on each slide. I have a video of other presentations. The presentation has to be 5 minutes. I have research paper and other stuff included. Let me know if more info is needed.

1st MAJOR COMPOSITION: Public Genre Project

This assignment is your opportunity to reach a public audience through one of the following public genres:
    Presentation (page 202)
    News Article (page 215)
    Editorial or Op-Ed (page 225)
    Advertisement (page 232)
    Wikipedia Entry (page 239)
    Photo Essay (page 245)
    Graphic Memoir (page 251)
    Fairy Tale (page 266)
You can choose the genre, and you will need to student the rhetorical situation and genre expectations for your chosen genre in Chapter 9, where you will find helpful analysis of the genre and a roadmap for creating a composition of your own in that genre.
What is my topic?
That is up to you. Your topic should be relevant to a public audience, considering we are working in public genres. The genre should be appropriate to the topic (as well as to the audience and purpose) you choose. If you dont have a

Liri bot

In this assignment, you will make LIRI. LIRI is like iPhone's SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a _Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.
must use source code editor vs code

X in row (java)

The functionalities below are required:
    Provide an entry screen as a JPanel containing GUI objects for players to:
    Enter Player 1s name
    Enter Player 2s name
    Have options for either player 1 to start or randomly select who moves first
    The dimensions of the board: rectangular, at least 3 but no more than 12 rows & columns
    The number of placements in a row required for victory, at least 3 but no more than 6
    A button to confirm the selected options and begin play
    After confirming the options, gameplay will begin. Display the game board in a different JPanel object, which is updated after each move. This JPanel will have a grid layout of the specified number of rows and columns. Each square should use a subclass of JPanel with custom graphics to display, appropriately, one of the following:

C++ / Java Wildlife Zoo Interface Assignment

You will write a multiclass C++ interfacing prototype system for Wildlife Zoo that incorporates Java for certain functionalities. Note: The Java file does not need to be modified. It is being attached for reference. Please see the bolded "TODO" in the C++ code below screenshots.
1. A user menu which displays the following options:
2. Load Animal Data
3. Generate Data
4. Display Animal Data
5. Add Record
6. Delete Record
7. Save Animal Data
8. Generate Data: Your supervisor has created this code for you in Java. In the C++ class you have been given, the createZooFile() function has been created for you. You should not modify the Java code.
9. a. For this function, you should make sure the user menu calls the createZooFile() function when the user selects Generate Data from the menu.
10. b. You will need to call this function and generate a file. When you are prompted for input, remember the following character limits:
11. i. Track #: 6 characters

Liri bot

# LIRI Bot

### Overview

In this assignment, you will make LIRI. LIRI is like iPhone's SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a _Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

### Before You Begin

1. LIRI will search Spotify for songs, Bands in Town for concerts, and OMDB for movies.

2. Make a new GitHub repository called liri-node-app and clone it to your computer.

3. To retrieve the data that will power this app, you'll need to send requests using the `axios` package to the Bands in Town, Spotify and OMDB APIs. You'll find these Node packages crucial for your assignment.

  * [Node-Spotify-API](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-spotify-api)

  * [Axios](https://www.npmjs.com/package/axios)

    * You'll use Axios to grab data from the [OMDB API](http://www.omdbapi