Hi, i need help with intro to java assignment in netbeans application.To implement a program that checks the validity of a password entered. Using user input and string methods. My coding is correct except, see what happen when I write a password that doesn't start with G.
Please note that there was an error with the original code template that was corrected at 7:50 on 4/22/2020. The arrays in the conditional statements for the fw and sp methods are supposed to all be the same.
This code works but there are some problems that need to be corrected. Your task is to complete it to course style and documentation standards CS 200 Style Guide. This project will be human graded with the Grading Rubric below.
During the process of writing code, the programmer is deeply immersed in the problem, the algorithms and code to solve it and has that context when naming methods, variables and writing comments. Looking at someone else's code, or even your own code 6 months later can be challenging since the names and comments weren't necessarily written to guide someone new to the problem and code. This assignment's code works, but some methods have poorly chosen names, formatting, and comments. The objective is to format it, reduce redundant code, improve the n
I need the entire assignment completed please.
I will provide the instructions as well as a zip file for the starter code, and a zip file for the datasets. I wasn't able to add the zip file for the datasets, so all the loose files are for the datasets.
Please follow the instructions carefully and fill out the starter code accordingly.
Most questions have two parts - first deriving it, and then filling out the starter code.
There is a kaggle competition component. You do not have to submit to it, but I would appreciate it if you could set up the datasets.
This is a basic C Programming class, so please only basic code. The program needs to be written in the Ch11.c file.
Before starting, carefully study sort_str(), stsrt(), s_gets(), mod_str(), and format(). You will use the code from all of these functions! The sort_str() function will call the other functions, although you could call mod_str() from s_gets().
Your end goal is to create a program that prints a class roll sheet in alphabetical order. The program prints out the roster like this...
The user inputs the students' first name and last names separately but within one loop. The loop should end when the user presses enter on the first name without entering any text. Upon completing entry of data, the output pictured above should display on stdout.
First step: Get all the files working from your sort_str.c file with the following changes: You should be ab
For this assignment, you will design you own file system. It should be able to store up to 10,000 files on a medium up to 2GB in size. The maximum size of each file is 200MB. The file system should provide a directory tree with file names composed of arbitrary characters up to 200 bytes long. Each block is 1KB in size, which means your file system will have to handle at least 2,097,152 x 1KB blocks = 2GB.
The file system does not have to be efficient. In particular, you do not need to implement a buffer cache. Your implementation must limit itself to using a fixed size of storage, on the order of 1MB or (much) less for all the tables etc. The actual storage must be moderately efficient, so that most of the space on the "disk" should be available for storage of actual data.
The file system should use the following block read and write operations which will be provided:
typedef char block [1024]; /* each block is 1KB */
int read_block (int bloc
Design, implement, test, and describe a system to identify a stop sign in black-and-white bitmap images. It is likely that the system will begin with low-level processing such as contrast enhancement and equalization, proceed to edge-detection and line extraction, then attempt to identify the sign shape, which appears exactly once in some of the test images.
Assume that readers of your paper know in general as much as you do, but they don't know anything about this project. In particular, they have not read this page. Your paper must tell them what you did in the project, and why, and how.
Following the abstract, consider an organization like this for the paper:
The Problem
Processing Steps
The list of references follows the paper's text.
This is an assignment for an algorithm course in uni. The course focuses on optimizing algorithms. This is a Java project that requires the algorithm to read a file with points that represent places (cities) and what other places they are connected with, then show them as points (vertex) and roads (edges) on an interface. When clicking on a city and any other city the algorithm should highlight the shortest path taken from that city to the other using Dijkstra, and calculate that path's distance and show it to the user with any other info needed.
attached is a file with a pdf that explains the assignment in details, please check it out.
In short we need to create a map that the user can interact with to find the best shortest path.
because this is an algorithm assignment please focus on commenting on the code, and if you can explain the algorithm you decide to use for me.
Paste your solutions to the exercises, and your reflective commentary, into a single Word document and upload it here. When pasting in Python code, make sure you use a fixed width font such as Courier new in order to preserve indentation.
these are the instructions
I've included the spec pdf for this. I've completed half of the assignment but need help with the second half. This work will be exclusively working with Bootstrap 4 and CSS to achieve the outlines results, and it's not that much work remaining.
Please see that the assignment is also attached and fully built and linked, as I said bootstrap 4 html code and minor CSS needed to finish. Thanks!
CA 4 Due Friday 24 April 2020 C#
1. Write a class to represent a Customer.
The Customer class should have the following three attributes:
A unique Customer ID number (int).
Name (string)
Account Balance (double)
Use properties to enable access to the attributes.
Provide getter and setter methods for each attribute.
You can use the shortcut notation for properties {get;set;}.
The class should have 2 constructors:
(i) A default constructor which sets a unique value for the Customer ID number. The Account Balance should be set to 0.
(ii) A parameterised constructor, which should initialise the name and account balance. It should also set a unique value for the Customer number.
Provide a virtual method called AddCharge which takes an amount charged as a parame