

Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category

Malloc implementation

You will write a simple `malloc` and `free` implementation.

The barebones version is already there for you in `malloc.c`.  You will need to fill in pieces which are commented with `TODO`.

Implementations for `calloc` and `realloc` are also provided as convenience, but you may mostly leave them alone.  You will want to focus on finishing up `malloc` and `free`.

Assignment One

Hello I am wanting someone to change the gamble class and player class to avoid plagiarism therefore to just change the methods but still make the game run smoothly also if possible make the filepath in the cardgame class have no filepath therefore anyone can run it without changing the filepath manually.

I am in NZ and not sure where this website is from so my price is in NZ so just let me know where you guys are from and we can discuss the conversion

Unity Physics simulation / Custom colliders, rigidbodies

The purpose of this project is to evaluate student knowledge and skill in implementing physics and physical behavior in a given object inside Unity.

Using Unity, students must develop a level in which a certain object of their choice interacts with an environment governed by physics and maths rules. The tasks that the students will need to accomplish are the following:

Creation of a physical object
Simulation of the objects interaction with the environment.

The Scene/Level should include the created physics object (PO).
The PO should be able to interact with at least five (5) other objects, without any user input.
The PO should include interactions via:
Physics volumes (or triggers)
Trace / Raycast
The PO should react to external physical forces as a rigid body, including the following:
An explosion
Push to impulse

The scene should be developed solely in Unity but is not allowed t

Physical Simulation in Unity

The purpose of this project is to evaluate student knowledge and skill in implementing physics and physical behavior in a given object inside a Game Engine or API.

Using a specified game Engine or API, students must develop a level in which a certain object of their choice interacts with an environment governed by physics and maths rules. The tasks that the students will need to accomplish are the following:

Creation of a physical object
Simulation of the objects interaction with the environment.

The Scene/Level should include the created physics object (PO).
The PO should be able to interact with at least five (5) other objects, without any user input.
The PO should include interactions via:
Physics volumes (or triggers)
Trace / Raycast
The PO should react to external physical forces as a rigid body, including the following:
An explosion
Push to impulse
The scene should be develope

The Rabbit-fox-and some other animal Simulation

The Rabbit-fox-and some other animal Simulation
Implement exercise 12.51 by adding a third animal to the rabbit and fox simulation. The third animal
must interact with the fox and rabbit in some way, and be displayed and graphed the same as the
fox and rabbit. Provide an analysis of the running simulation with changes to variables and results. It
is NOT the goal of this project to have a simulation that stabilizes or balances the populations.

decided to go with wolfs for the simulator
already 90 percent done just need to fix the bug with the wolf and simulator class.

should take about an hour to fix.

HTML/CSS Assignment

The Final project instructions Microsoft word document has all of the instructions needed.

The Jpg. images are used to write the HTML codes.

The Home.png, products.jpg, and contact.png are the screenshots of what the finished products should look like

This is for my Business Systems final project with a short deadline.


This is to write a Matlab code that is given in the pdf along with a write up with these requirements.
It should be well formatted, with sections of the projected clearly
separated from each other. It should summarize all the above tasks and answers to
questions. All figures should be presented and referred to formally (i.e. Figure 1
shows). All equations used should be input using an equation editor. Short
introduction and conclusions required.

Advanced front end web development

Really you need to do three things in this assignment:

Build a responsive UI using HTML and CSS
Implement suitable functionality using JavaScript (this must include the use of Ajax).
Demonstrate understanding of advanced tools, techniques and approaches.
My advice is to do (1) and (2) first and then re-write your code to do (3).

Heres a possible work flow:

A key requirement is Ajax. Do this first.

Have a look at week 9, do some research, make sure you understand what Ajax is.
Next think about your data.
Are you using an API?
If yes, have a look at the documentation, you may have to sign up and get a key, understand how the API works before writing your own JavaScript.
If you arent using an API create an example JSON file. Dont make this too big, four or five objects will be fine to start with. Paste your JSON code into https://jsonlint.com/ to make sure you have constructed it correctly.
Now have a go at loading your JSON data using J

Python OOP with dynamic typing

I need help with this Python homework about shapes, link to the assignment page is here https://sites.google.com/cs.stonybrook.edu/cse-216/assignments_1/assignment-5-oop-with-dynamic-typing

You can download the code on the page or you can also see the attached files below.

Some clarifications- in order to check equality of shapes for each class, you want them to have the same type and same coordinates. For the TwoDPoint Class,where the TODO magic method is, p is self and q is other, and adding/subtracting would mean x1-x2 and so on.

Web scrapping and modification

The PHP page provided generates the board and places tiles. There is also a selectable link called 'Action 4:', this button places shrimp on the board.

Part 1
Provided with the following code file, modify the Game Log link so that it displays a text file called GameLog.txt. When shrimp are added to the board, append the board location to GameLog.txt. It should read something like "A shrimp was placed on D3". Whenever a new game is started the GameLog should be cleared.

Part 2
Add another link next to the GameLog link called Save Game. Whenever this is activated it writes the contents of the board to a text file called SavedGame.txt. Create a new PHP page that displays the contents of this file that is linked to the main PHP page.

Special note: This assignment is turned into a Linux server with special read and write permissions