

Archive for the ‘Humanities’ Category

Coyolxauhqui: The Healing Journey of a Chicana Lesbian Deaf

I am hosting webinar series about my thesis research. I've attached my thesis and a document for you to fill out to summarize, develop talking points and discussion questions that will help me to prepare my speech through Zoom via online. Each series will last an hour... 30 minutes of my presentation and 30 minutes of discussion. Please be sure to include stories as an example, so that will help me to elaborate during the webinar.

the clients belief system

Please read the following chapters in the text: (ATTACHED).

    Chapter 4: Organizational Processes: Relational and Structural Supports
    Chapter 5: Communication Processes: Facilitating Meaning Making, Mutual Support, and Problem Solving

Chapter 4 identifies the organizational elements in effective family functioning, highlighting key processes for relational resilience. One key process is social and economic resources.

Chapter 5 examines a key intervention for successfully overcoming adversity: communication skills.

You have explored the impact of the clients belief system, worldview, and values on their perception and ability to cope with the adverse challenges in their life. You also explored the multiple resources that can be used to help build resilience from extended family to social and economic resources. In this Assignment, you are asked to analyze the information learned in these units and evaluate strategies for

Monotheism: Judaism,Christianity, Islam

Choose a topic from your reading (Chapters 1-8). Your topic should be complex but accessible enough to be researched from a variety of sources, and narrow enough to allow you to write effectively about it in the intended length of the assignment. The paper should synthesize your research, not only should you locate information that supports your thesis, but also examine and write your reactions to any opposing ideas.

Students can use their textbook but you must also use at least three additional external sources in your paper and use the MLA in-text citation model when referencing or using your sources. Your sources could include a book, an academic journal, a blog, or a social media site. Also, your sources should be credible. Please review the following link regarding evaluating the credibility of sources: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/conducting_research/evaluating_sources_of_information/index.html. Therefore, the Works Cited Page of your paper should conta

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In the readings, you will discover unique ethical concerns you may encounter working in a smaller community. You will explore the effects of obtaining personal benefits from your work with clients. This can be more likely to occur in smaller communities and can cause additional ethical issues to be aware of.

n addition, you will discover what to do when faced with unavoidable and unanticipated circumstances in working with clients, especially when living in a small community, and how best to address these issues.

Cohn, T. J., & Hastings, S. L. (2013). Building a Practice in Rural Settings: Special Considerations. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 35(3), 228244. https://doi.org/10.17744/mehc.35.3.12171572424wxhll

Fok, L., Payne, D., & Corey, C. (2016). Cultural Values, Utilitarian Orientation, and Ethical Decision Making: A Comparison of U.S. and Puerto Rican Professionals. Journal of Business Ethics, 134(2), 263279. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-014-24

Any topic (writer’s choice)

View one or more of the following documentaries on YouTube about prison and the death penalty.

Death Penalty Most Excruciating Documentary (Prison Documentary 2017 - 59:19) (Links to an external site.)

Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 1 of 2 (47:25) (Links to an external site.)

Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 2 of 2 (45:08) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

Children in Prison for Life Sentence Full Documentary Kids Behind Bars (1:26:55) (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)Proceed to the "Questions to Address" section before continuing to the next page.

Please address the following questions:

What are the basic issues and main themes addressed in the videos?
Were the issues addressed from a biased or unbiased perspective? Were the presenters operating with an underlying agenda?
Was there agreement or disagreeme

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Trolley Problem is a famous hypothetical ethical dilemma often referred to as a thought experiment. This moral paradox was first posed by Phillipa Foot in 1967. Far from solving the dilemma, the trolley problem launched a wave of further investigation into the philosophical quandary it raises.  And it's still being debated today.

View the following YouTube videos regarding trolley dilemmas:

Trolley Car Dilemma - Harvard's Michael Sandel (14:59) - In this video, Havard professor Micahel Sandel discusses the classic Trolley Dilemma and its various versions to an ethics class. As you view the video, reflect on the scenario presented to you in the module overview.

The Trolley Problem and Ethics of Driver-less Cars (5:07) - While the various Trolley Dilemmas represent hypothetical (and thus somewhat unrealistic) situations, this video depicts a modern, real-world example of the application of the same kinds of dilemmas and decisions.


Any topic (writer’s choice)

3.) What are the major differences between the Informative and Persuasive Speech? Elaborate on making Claims for the Persuasive Speech and submitting main points for Informative Speech? Include the definitions and types of Claims discussed.

What key factors differentiate the Informative from the Persuasive presentations structure and intent?

4.) What are the components of argument structure as discussed by Aristotle, Toulmin, Monroe, and Simon Sinek?

Discuss the connection between Monroe's Motivated Sequence and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Why is it important when persuading?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

                            ****350 WORDS****

Please read the following chapter in your text:

Chapter 13: Community and Social Justice Perspectives
Library Readings

Crethar, H. C., & Winterowd, C. L. (2012). Values and social justice in counseling. Counseling & Values, 57(1), 39.

Gamble, D. N. (2012). Well-being in a globalized world: Does social work know how to make it happen? Journal of Social Work Education, 48(4), 669689.

Gasker, J. A., & Fischer, A. C. (2014). Toward a context-specific definition of social justice for social work: In search of overlapping consensus. Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 11(1), 4253.

Leong, F. T. L., Pickren, W. E., & Vasquez, M. J. T. (2017). APA efforts in promoting human rights and social justice. American Psychologist, 72(8), 778790.

Ramrez Stege, A. M., Brockberg, D., & Hoyt, W. T. (2017). Advo

Any topic (writer’s choice)

**** 350 WORDS***

Please read the following chapters in the text:

Chapter 4: Organizational Processes: Relational and Structural Supports
Chapter 5: Communication Processes: Facilitating Meaning Making, Mutual Support, and Problem Solving
Chapter 4 identifies the organizational elements in effective family functioning, highlighting key processes for relational resilience. One key process is social and economic resources.

Chapter 5 examines a key intervention for successfully overcoming adversity: communication skills.

You have learned about the importance of taking into consideration the clients belief system when making referrals to resources and interventions. To prepare for this Discussion, please read Hoas Case Study. Please use the assigned readings and use at least two (2) research peer-reviewed studies to support your answers.

Please respond to the following:

What are two resources you would refer this family to in Duval and or

Report Summarizing a current global issue in the world

1,500 2,000 words (3 pages single spaced)
11pt or 12pt font.
Explain your reasoning using what you have read in the textbook.
Other formatting/style requirements will be presented in class.

Global report

Once a week I will start a class by covering an event of global importance that is particularly relevant in the anthropological debate. Each topic addresses an issue at the crossroad between ethnic identity, world religion, social norms vs. individual choices and the power of a nation-state to define the outcome and bring the matter to a close or not.

Select one topic covered in class and write a five page report that summarizes your understanding of the issue. I need to see an introduction, a conclusion and the citing of all references including newspapers and other social media sources. You are free to select a topic of your liking as long as it is of anthropological relevant and you check and clear the topic with me first.

The topic I have