You will develop a treatment or a task group that is designed to meet in person by using the following guidelines:
1. In paragraph format, describe
a. Your groups purpose
b. How you will recruit participants
c. Provide a sample of your recruitment tool
d. Describe how you will address the potential influence of culture, ethnicity,
gender, poverty, power, etc.
e. The venue for your group meetings
f. Facilitation style and what makes that style effective vs. ineffective.
2. Identify 5 skills that are effective and describe their efficacy. Also describe 3 skills that if used ineffectively would negatively impact the group.
3. Process recording. Divide your paper into three columns.
a. In the left column, type a sample transcript of the introduction, middle or
closing segment of the group dialogue.
b. In the middle column, next to the dialogue, label in BOLD TYPE the skill
that you would demonst
A paragraph introduction of each test
Individual solutions to the follow-on exercises
Three of the four laboratory activities (Sieve analysis, Shear box test and Triaxial test) have follow-on exercises which are described in the attached laboratory handbooks.
If there is any questions regarding this work please do let me know, thank you
Background of Toronto
6). Smart cities ideas and tech influence Toronto (improving city service, etc.)
7). Identify gaps or opportunities for an improved smart and sustainable city Environment / Energy / etc
Proposed initiatives
3). Smart environment
As mentioned above, this is a topic about the smart city of Toronto. You need to do three small questions under two major topics.
In the background section, I hope you find Toronto's existing symbol of a smart city and talk about how it affects Toronto (need example). And the energy and environmental gap between Toronto and other smart cities (such as Zurich).
The proposal part, how to improve the environment to make Toronto more progressive as a smart city
Please cite specific ideas using specific sources and parenthetical references using APA style. In this paper, specific references must be citied within the paper, all sources cited must be listed in the References Cited se
This paper requires students to explore an anthropological issue or topic from various points of view through academic research. Ideally, the research paper can be on any topic of interest to you related to those discussed in class, the text and other readings, handouts, films, etc. A list of suggested topics is also provided in this document if you need help selecting a topic.
A written abstract of the research proposal (i.e., a one paragraph summary of your topic and approach to it) must be submitted for instructor approval and feedback by the due date. In the abstract or general topic paragraph you will identify what you are going to write your paper about. As part of this assignment, please identify 2 of your 5 sources that you are planning on using in your paper.
Research papers must include four sections (Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, and Personal Reflection) and employ a minimum of four curren
Respond to the following questions: Using empathy, integrity, leading by example, and positive outlook
How do you see yourself as a leader?
How do your personal beliefs (e.g. religion, inclusiveness, etc.) affect your leadership philosophy? (NELP 1.2, OPS 3.3)
How do you respond when your leadership beliefs or practices are challenged? (NELP1.2, OPS 3.3)
How do you plan to utilize technology as a leader?
What problems might technology help you overcome as a leader?
What problems might technology present you as a leader?
This course introduced you to the four subfields of Anthropology, biological anthropology is one of them, please delve deeper into the chosen subfield (biological anthropology). Your response should be at least 2 pages (minimum 1000
words) and you should draw on eight concepts from your textbook. Underline and bold each concept.
Race is a social construct with very real consequences. As with many social constructs they vary depending on location. Discuss racism in the local (QATAR) and regional (MENA) context.
This is where you demonstrate your capacity to 'think anthropologically' about racism in the local context. This write-up should demonstrate not only an exploration of your cultural awareness and ability to describe aspects of it but also provide an in-depth analysis, through a holistic perspective, of the culture and the topic that you research along with any people that you observed. It should draw from concepts in the course readings, lectures, and the literature t
Step 1. READ THESE ENTIRE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE BEGINNING. You will be marked down if you miss any of them!
Step 2. The Library Research Portion of the Writing Assignment: Find an academic, peer-reviewed source, either a scholarly article or book, on a topic about your ethnic heritage with which you are not familiar. The topic of your ethnic heritage upon which you decide to focus should: (1) be narrow enough for a four page paper, and (2) must be a topic that relates to the second part of the paper, where you will either observe an event related to the topic, or else interview a family member about that topic.
The following are some major anthropology journals. These are just a sampling. There are many others. If you are unsure about whether a particular journal or article is acceptable, check with the librarian or Dr. Udvardy.
Africa Man &nb
This assignment is milestone 3. attached I have put the guidelines for this paper (HSE 330 Milestone three)
The other attachments included are all past papers that lead to this assignment.
The organization for this project is : Oklahoma Association Of Youth Services Inc.
The legislation piece for this project is :Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act (CAPTA)
Please review the milestone one and two attached and the organization and legislation attachment to get familiar with what the milestone three is needing answered.
Each student will prepare a brief report (2-3 pages) of a particular social policy. Your policy analysis should be organized around the following framework (adapted from the model for policy analysis presented in the textbookp. 29):
1. What is nature of the issue targeted by the policy? What causes it?
2. Who are the people affected by it?
3. What are the stated goals of the policy? What are the values implicit in the policy? Who oversees, evaluates and coordinates the policy? (Questions 1 to 3: policy definition/description)
4. How has the policy been dealt with in the past? Has it changed overtime? (historical analysis)
5. If the policy has historic roots, what are the outcomes of the policy have been in relation to its stated goals? If the policy is a new one, how will the policy outcomes be evaluated? (policy or program evaluation)
6. Who are the major stakeholders, the policy's supporters? Opponents?
7. Based on your education and what you have learned so
Reflect on your personal feelings and possible experiences with COVID-19. How has this global pandemic impacted your ability to be an MDC student? Consider the fact that while all students are not online learners, all students are currently learning online. How does this affect the goals you have set for yourself for the upcoming academic year? What changes have you had to make academically and socially? Should "remote learning" become our new normal, how do you feel you would cope? Explain your answers in detail.
This paper should be 500-750 words in length, Times New Roman, Size 12 font. You may not use a previously submitted assignment that meets this description from another class.