

Archive for the ‘Human Resource Management’ Category

Hsa520 2dis

Government and EMRs" Please respond to the following:

  • Create an argument for or against governments role in EMR standards. Justify your argument with at least two (2) reasonable pieces of evidence for government intervention by referencing specific, recent, and relevant examples in relation to this weeks videos.

Hsa520 1dis

The Evolution of Health Information Technology" Please respond to the following:

  • Analyze the current trends affecting the evolution of health information technology (HIT). Select a trend you believe is having the most significant impact on the expansion of HIT. Support your rationale for each of the factors identified in relation to this weeks videos.

Compensation 4 Discussion

  Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and  you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. 

How can Pay for Performance be improved in your workplace or organization, based on the Compensation Programs used over the past 12 months (Exhibit 9.8 )?

Human Services Organizations


Human services organizations do their best to provide programs and services for those who need assistance. Sometimes meeting the needs of a given population requires the programs and services of more than one organization. For example, a homeless individual may first seek housing, but also may need health care, job placement services, clothing, and food. In order to meet the complex and multiple needs of clients, human services organizations form partnerships with other organizations. Partnerships can help organizations to maximize available community resources and efficiently deliver comprehensive services to clients. Human services administrators must be strategic in forming and maintaining partnerships. In addition, it is important that all organizations in a partnership maintain their missions to fulfill their original objectives.

Stakeholders may have needs related to the human services organization with which they are associated. T