

Archive for the ‘Human Resource Management’ Category



Assignment Instructions

The ability to work as a team and to be able to achieve consensus in today's work place is an important skill. Before we explore the world of work,laborand management, we will study the nature of consensus decision making as a means of attempting to bridge the gap between the two sides in a collective bargaining simulation.


  1. A Short Guide to Consensus Decision Making: An Alternative to Robert's Rules of Order for Groups, Organizations, and ad hoc Assemblies that Want to Operate by Consensus
  2. Consensus Decision Making


  1. What are some of the advantages of a consensus decision-making process over traditional methods of decision-making, such as majority voting and Roberts Rules of Order? What are the disadvantages to consensus decision-making, if any?
  2. Describe the conditions that underpin consensus bui



Assignment Instructions

The ability to work as a team and to be able to achieve consensus in today's workplace is an important skill. Before we explore the world of work,labor and management, we will study the nature of consensus decision making as a means of attempting to bridge the gap between the two sides in a collective bargaining simulation.


  1. A Short Guide to Consensus Decision Making: An Alternative to Robert's Rules of Order for Groups, Organizations, and ad hoc Assemblies that Want to Operate by Consensus
  2. Consensus Decision Making


  1. What are some of the advantages of a consensus decision-making process over traditional methods of decision-making, such as majority voting and Roberts Rules of Order? What are the disadvantages to consensus decision-making, if any?
  2. Describe the conditions that underpin consensus building. Which of these conditions d


ABSTRACT AND A 2 page response using APA format, include a brief summary of Pats methodology 

Pat Eneewon, a performance practitioner with Turmeric & Spice, Ltd., was asked to meet with the Chief People Officer (CPO) about building a leadership development program. 

Pat has interviewed Ms, Abley, the CPO at Turmeric & Spice (T&S) and three people recommended by Ms. Abley. Pat has been moved on to another project, these interview transcripts have been provided to you in preparation for you taking over the project.

Review the transcripts provided. 

Summarize the data, making it as factual and data-supported as possible. 

Submit a 3-5 paragraph analysis identifying the performance issues and opportunities for Turmeric & Spice Ltd. 

In your summary, identify documentation that you would want to find to corroborate comments by your interviewe

Hr Discussion

 Base Pay Structures 

see  video below


 Now, based on the video's information and discussion, you get to decide 3 important factors (or take-aways) you want the executive team to know about pay structures. This is the executive team, not regular managers, so be sure your factors are well thought-out and high-level. 


Reflect and think about the performance analyses that you have experienced? 

Recall a time when the analysis was requested and one when it was not but was done as part of the planning or design phase of the work?

 In what ways did the actual analysis differ? 

Were the results of that analysis reported back to sponsors differently? 

Accepted differently? 

If so, why do you think that was?

Community Needs Assessment

As a human services leader, you have expertise in your community and have a sense of services and programs that it may need. While you may notice trends and changes, a more structured approach to gathering and analyzing this information will be required if you hope to launch a new program to address a need. In this paper, you will identify a perceived unmet need in your local community and use it to present a proposed community needs assessment and its projected results.

You will identify the various components of the community needs assessment and their contributions to the process. To provide a visual graphic of your community needs assessment, you will create a logic model, presenting the various components and how they interact with one another. Since human services leaders need to maintain ethical standards and be attentive to diversity, both of these content areas should be integrated into your community needs assessment design.


Write a 45

Career 649


For this paper, you will discuss your results for the following assessments:

  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator (personality)
  • RIASEC/Career Interest Profiler (interests)
  • Career Values
  • Skills/Abilities

In your discussion, please include the following content:

  • What were your results for each assessment and what did you learn about yourself? What did you find interesting (i.e. were you surprised by your results)?
  • Compare and contrast test results. Do you find that the results are similar/dissimilar? How do your personality characteristics, interests, values, and skills relate to each other?
  • Describe the characteristics of your ideal career that you would apply to now. Be realistic and specific when considering your career options in the near future (i.e. HR Rep/Campus Recruiter--NOT CEO or HR Manager unless you have qualified experiences). Is

Chase Manhattan Corp: The Making Of Americas Largest Bank


Chase Manhattan Corp: The Making of Americas Largest Bank

This case is an individual assignment.

1. What are the strategic benefits of combining Chase and Chemical? Is it best to frame as a merger of equals or as acquisition?

2. Is the justification for the merger primarily to increase revenue or is it mostly to reduce costs and improve efficiency?

3. To what extent do you feel that the gains to the bank shareholders represent transfers of value from other claimholders, such as customers, employees, communities?

4. Evaluate the proposed employee layoffs. How should a company determine an appropriate level and over what time period for layoffs and branch closings? 

1-2 pages

2 Discussions Need Back Tomorrow


Evaluative Tools      

In Chapter 7, three additional evaluation tools were introduced: the CIPP model of evaluation, Kaufmans five levels of evaluation, and CIRO. Choose one of the three models of evaluation. Describe the model. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages?

Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two of your classmates posts.


Is It a Learning Organization?      

In Chapter 8, transfer of learning is examined. Transfer of learning is based on organizational climate. The climate of a learning organization is most conducive to the transfer of learning. Describe the characteristics of the learning organization. Based on the characteristics of your organization is it a learning organization? Why or why not?

Use this weeks lecture

Supporting Document 2: Resistance Risk Mitigation Intervention Table

Using the same scenario from Assignment 1, you realize that transitioning your organization to a learning environment may not be as easy as first imagined. You have encountered several resistance issues relating to the culture, psychological learning, organization structure, workforce commitment, and dissemination of knowledge. You decide to gather a decision-making team to assist in identifying the high or moderate resistance risks that may stop or slow down the process of this transition. The decision-making team must also recommend some mitigation intervention to lower the identified resistance risks to either moderate or low. For example, a high resistance risk can become moderate or low and moderate resistance risk can become low.

Your final product will be a table that identifies five (5) issues related to the organizations culture, psychological learning, organization structure, workforce commitment, and dissemination of knowledge. You must also provide a descr