

Archive for the ‘History’ Category

Compare And Contrast Essay- An Etruscan Artwork Compared To A Roman Republic Artwork

 An Etruscan Artwork compared to a Roman Republic Artwork (topic)


  • Investigate artworks using a critical process 
  • Comparison and contrast of two pieces of art using description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment
  • Describe how works are similar and different
  • Use the comparison of works to illustrate meanings and issues presented by the works
  • Use Comparison and Contrast descriptions to show how ideas and conventions change over time
  • Use comparison and contrast to discover and describe how changes occur between one group of artists to the next
  • Use comparison and contrast to define and identify how different groups deal with subjects and ideas in different ways
  • Change is inherent in the history of art. Use comparison and contrast to describe and illustrate how conventions and ideas change. 
  • Use comparison and contrast to present how and w