You are required to demonstrate what support you would put in place for your learner in relation to the title above and that meets the intended learning outcomes. The essay will include an analysis that demonstrates achievement of learning outcomes 2 and 3. You need to apply the relevant learning, teaching and assessment theories to support your assertions throughout. Please refer to the learning outcomes (Pages 4 and 5 below) and assessment criteria for the academic level you are working towards within the module handbook in Appendices 6, 7, & 8).
All written work needs:
• To be word processed
• To have a font size minimum 11 – maximum 14
• To have line spacing either 1.5 or double space
• To have the text justified – equal margins at either side
• To include page number
• To include student number within the footer on each page.
• To have a front cover which states:
o School of Health & Social Sciences
o �
•Must include an Abstract page and References page(s)
•The Abstract page may be included in the 8-10 pages however, the references may not be included in the page count
•One of the following major theoretical researchers on Cognitive Therapy on learning depression as a behavoir: This is NOT a book report of the researcher’s life
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Write a ppaper on Implications of foster care on children's behavioral and mental health. Use scholarly journals and articles fond in such databases as Proquest and Ebscohost among others
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It is clear from the material in this course that inferential statistics plays a critical role in research in the behavioral and social sciences.
Paper should be a minimum of 5 pages long (excluding title and references pages) and include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and references page. APA formatting should be used for the paper. Utilize at least two resources for this paper, which should be cited accordingly.
Since students in this class will further their education via coursework and research conducted via the practicum and dissertation processes, it is important to reflect on the knowledge gained and its applicability to one?s future in the field. Utilizing all that you have learned and been exposed to in this course, write a paper providing an overview of your knowledge of inferential statistics, specifically discussing how you would go about deciding upon the appropriate statistical tests to use for a study.
Include the following in your paper:
? Create and p
Allen, R.L (2005). Reassessing the Internal (Neo) Colonialism Theory. The Black Scholar, 35, 1, 2-11.
Brave Heart, M. Y. H., & De Bruyun, L. (1998). the American Indian holocaust: Healing historical unresolved grief. American Indian Alaskan Native Mental Health Research, 8(2), 56-78
Fanon, F. (1965). A dying colonialism. New York, NY: Grove Press.
Fanon, F. (1994). By way of conclusion. In black skin, white masks (pp. 223-232). New York, NY: Grove Press.
Hedges, C., & Sacco, J. (2012). Days of destruction, days of revolt. New York, NY: Nation books.
Memmi. A. (1991). The colonizer and the colonized. Boston, MA: Beacon Press
As you read the above, track and take notes on the following key concepts:
For Memmi:
colonialism, colonizer, colonizer who rejects, colonizer who accepts, decolonilization, usurpation, mutilations of the self, countermythology, assimilation, Nero complex, solidarity of the vanquished, composite identity, f
•Must include an Abstract page and References page(s)
•The Abstract page may be included in the 8-10 pages however, the references may not be included in the page count
•One of the following major theoretical researchers on Cognitive Therapy on learning depression as a behavoir: This is NOT a book report of the researcher’s life
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Compare and contrast the four conditioning theories of behaviorism: connectionism, classical conditioning, contiguous conditioning, and operant conditioning. Behaviorism preceded social cognitive theory and the study of self-regulation. Compare and contrast the four conditioning theories of behaviorism: connectionism, classical conditioning, contiguous conditioning, and operant conditioning. Which of these theories have you found most useful for learning? Why?
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This is a two-part discussion on the early behaviorists and B.F. Skinner. Address both questions in your discussion post:
• Synthesize the readings in neurophysiology from Unit 2 and their relationship to the work of the behaviorists.
• B. F. Skinner is arguably the most important modern behaviorist and is renowned for his roles as a scientist, philosopher, and technician. Describe Skinner's contributions to learning. Do you think his contributions to learning are still considered effective today? Why or why not?
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----------------- The subject of the term paper is:
How Erectile Dysfunction can interfere with a mans self-image as well as his and his partners sexual life.
----------------- The requirements for the term paper include:
1. Length is 5 pages (typed, double-spaced, approximately 1 inch margins) Font size can't exceed 12 pitch.
2. Use at least eight different professional/academic references.
? A bibliography should be included.
? Students need to document quotations, statistics, or other definitive information used in the body of the paper
? Use the APA format.
? Use every reference at least once.
? No more than half of the references can be websites
? Students must use some professional articles/journals/books as part of their references.
3. The paper must be an original work prepared for this class.
------------- The suggested format for the paper follows:
1. Introduction - one or two paragraphs explaining why the topic selected deserves study. While some of you will pick a topic
Somatoform, Factitious, and Dissociative Disorders
When a client presents physical ailments for which no medical evidence confirms a condition, the client's pain may not simply go away. Rather, the pain may persist, further disrupting the client's life. In these cases, psychological evaluations may be used to determine if any psychological disorders exist. Specifically, somatoform disorders, factitious disorders, and dissociative disorders may be considered for the client's diagnosis. Additionally, psychologists may also evaluate whether other confounding factors, such as environmental and/or individual variables, influence a diagnosis.
For this Discussion, review the case study in the Learning Resources. Consider the presenting symptoms of the client and any confounding factors that may influence diagnosis.
With these thoughts in mind:
1.)write an Axes I through V diagnoses for the client in the case study (will up-load)
2.)and explain your rationale for assigning these diagnoses