

Archive for the ‘International Affairs/Relations’ Category

Intelligence role of the coalition forces against ISIS. Discuss

please use the following resources in my paper: -J Richards (2010) The Art and Science of Intelligence Analysis. Oxford, Oxford University Press -D Omand (2010) Securing the State. London, Hurst and Co -P Gill and M Phythian (2006) Intelligence in an Insecure World. Cambridge, Polity -A N Schulsky and G N Schmitt (2002) Silent Warfare: Understanding the World of Intelligence. Dulles VA, Potomac -R Z George and J B Bruce (eds. 2008) Analyzing Intelligence: Origins, Obstacles and Innovations. Washington DC, Georgetown University Press -A Glees, P H J Davies, J N L Morrison (2006) The Open Side of Secrecy. London, Social Affairs Unit -M Herman (2008) Intelligence Power in Peace and War. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press -L K Johnson (ed. 2009) Handbook of Intelligence Studies. Abingdon, Routledge. -A Glees (2003) The Stasi Files: East German Secret Operations Against Britain. London, Simon and Schuster. - plus 5 more relevant resources to the topic available on google schola

Intelligence role of the coalition forces against ISIS. Discuss

please use the following resources in my paper: -J Richards (2010) The Art and Science of Intelligence Analysis. Oxford, Oxford University Press -D Omand (2010) Securing the State. London, Hurst and Co -P Gill and M Phythian (2006) Intelligence in an Insecure World. Cambridge, Polity -A N Schulsky and G N Schmitt (2002) Silent Warfare: Understanding the World of Intelligence. Dulles VA, Potomac -R Z George and J B Bruce (eds. 2008) Analyzing Intelligence: Origins, Obstacles and Innovations. Washington DC, Georgetown University Press -A Glees, P H J Davies, J N L Morrison (2006) The Open Side of Secrecy. London, Social Affairs Unit -M Herman (2008) Intelligence Power in Peace and War. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press -L K Johnson (ed. 2009) Handbook of Intelligence Studies. Abingdon, Routledge. -A Glees (2003) The Stasi Files: East German Secret Operations Against Britain. London, Simon and Schuster. - plus 5 more relevant resources to the topic available on google schola

Death and its manifestation in Natural Disasters

Assignment Requirements: International Affairs/Relations   Please create a powerpoint presentation on the Research Paper that you wrote for me and I will upload now. Please include the following in the slides: 2. You will present your argument and research in a passionate manner. You must be able, in your own style to provoke the audience. 3. The audience must know what is your argument. What is your position? Why did you do your research? Why should we care? 4. The audience must have an idea about what your efforts were--the good, the bad, and the ugly and beautiful. Even if your research was just with books, then you must at least be able to say why one book was good or bad. Evaluate your research. 5. You must end your topic with either a solution, a proposal, or an idea of what other types of research must be done.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

McDonald’s in Hong Kong

Assignment Requirements I would like a review to be written on an article that I will upload now. Please write an excellent review of the article.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Immigration Benefits: Political, Unfair, Discriminating And How America Can Transform Them as Humanitarian Reliefs Toward Haiti’s Sustainable Earthquake Recovery

Assignment Requirements   Immigration Benefits Political, Unfair, Discriminating And How America Can Transform Them as Humanitarian Reliefs Toward Haiti’s Sustainable Earthquake Recovery Four years later, Haiti is still recovering from the terrible earthquake of January 12, 2010. In spite of NGOs and foreign investments; full recovery is not yet in sight. NGOs are operating in Haiti with no visible success of their contributions. On the end of the spectrum, is the Diaspora, doing their best to routinely send money to their loved ones. Note that on every $100 sent to Haiti, the Haitian government collects $1.50 and on each $100 money transfer, money transfer agencies collect $9, 00. Thus, the diaspora seemingly invests into the economy of Haiti and money transfer agencies are benefiting from the diaspora. Crosswalk: 1. Focus on how many Haitians live in the United States, how much money they send to Haiti, how much taxes are collected and how these collected taxes may improv

China’s Rising Tide in the Caribbean

Assignment Requirements   Please use instructions attached. All references should come from attatced material and two additional sources. Most refernces should come from the attached material. Please use the attached outine to complete the essay. Submit a 6 page essay based on the instructions below. The essay must be single-spaced, single-sided, with 1" margins, in Times New Roman 12 point font. Reference page is the 7th page. No cover page. All references must come from the supplied International Security Studies file which is attached. Proper citation is a must along with the proper reference page! Essay Outline: Introduction: - Very Important---There need to be a clear Thesis--Thesis needs to be exceptionally clear, concise and arguable. Tells the reader what the purpose of the paper is. Body: - This essay should be written in first person as the Pr


Assignment Requirements   - Include the CPI (Corruption Perception Index) in Jakarta, Indonesia, and how it affects internationalization. - Why should a company like Airrowes internationalize in Jakarta, Indonesia. - Advantages and Disadvantages of internationalizing in Jakarta, Indonesia. - What other factors that might affect its internationalization. Data collated could be in the forms of tables to save on the word count. Harvard referencing, In-text citations are needed. 1400 words. References is very important. Use journals and Books. Thanks   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

How do the critical theories of Realism and Liberalism view the state?

Assignment Requirements Analytical essay   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Why did India decide to openly test military nuclear power in 1998?

Assignment Requirements   Objectives 1) To demonstrate a sound command of the theoretical framework/s of world politics 2) To critically analyse the case with the help of theory, using its internal concepts and logic 3) To demonstrate the utility (and possible limits) of theory 4) To consider theory in light of rival explanations 5) To marshal the necessary empirical evidence in support of analysis, findings and conclusions 6) To present logically coherent conclusions that fit the analysis and discuss the potential benefit from the insight gained   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

National Strategy for Counterterrorism

Assignment Requirements: International Affairs/Relations   Assignment: The 2011 National Strategy for Counterterrorism (NSCT) references several “areas of focus.” (1) How should the United States apply the Instruments of Power (IOP) to address the terrorism security challenge in the EAST AFRICA area of focus? (2) Which of the international relations (IR) perspectives (realism, liberalism and constructivism) most influenced your decisions and why Note on how the US should apply the IOPs: Keep in mind that we are essentially looking for your recommendations on how the IOPs should be used. (Do not spend too much time describing the issue; focus your efforts on recommendations.) The best recommendations are ones that are clear, concrete, and as specific as possible. Yours should be accompanied by reasons for each recommendation (this helps to demonstrate your understanding of the issues). Ask yourself: Have I demonstrated adequate justification for each recommendation? Have I in