1. Students will write an 8-10 page scholarly paper using 5th edition APA format.
2. discuss the role trensition of an RN to a BSN-RN.
3.The following concepts are to be included in the text of the paper:
a Philosopy of nursing as a BSN nurse including the four donains of nursing.(Health, Environment, Person and Nurse)
b. How thei philosophy relates to future nursing practice within the Holistic Nursing Framework.
c. Future plans for growth and continuing education. ( I plan to get a master in Nursing, ARNP)
d. How this philosophy relates to BSN professional obligations inthe health care system including :
Organizational health care costs.
Health care access for the patinet or client.
Care of patients or clients without health care coverage.
Care of vulnerable populations
Ongoing professional development at the local, state an federal level.
4 students are to support the discussion using literature the identifies current critical health care issues or challenges within the health care
I have to read a research paper about the health care system in united
states versus in china
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Review emerging standards of culturally competent care. Here are possible resources to use. You may also use other cultural web sites of your own choosing:
a. DHHS Office of Minority Health http://www.omhrc.gov/clas/;
b. National Center for Cultural Competence http://data.georgetown.edu/research/gucchd/nccc/;
c. AHRQ http://www.ahrq.gov/about/cods/cultcomp.htm;
d. Annie E Casey Foundation http://www.aecf.org)
Prepare a 2800 to 3500 word paper in third person APA Style that explores the following topics in your own workplace or a setting that you select for this discussion:
a. Define culturally competent care appropriate for your own workplace, based on your perusal of the assigned readings.
b. Identify the populations served and any issues of population vulnerability.
c. Comment on standards of cultural competence that appear to be met and any that are not met.
d. Identify potential impacts of delivery of nursing care where standards are being met, and where standards are not being me
Argumentative essay, MLA format is gastric bypass helpful or harmful for obesity patients. I am for the surgery can be written as internal essay or external
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Write a ppaper on Ethical concerns and the protection of human rights in nursing research. Use scholarly journals and articles fond in such databases as Proquest and Ebscohost among others
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Conduct a competitive intelligence analysis to understand and deal with the competitive market environment; how will your product be positioned to compete effectively in the marketplace? If you develop a product that is a 'me too' product and/or does not perform as well as a market competitor, will you have a viable product? This assignment should help your team in preparing your Marketing Strategies in the Section 1- Project Overview.
Post a model compound and your proposed indication. Also provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the model compound and its competitors'.
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purpose:purpose of this activity is to prepare a standardized procedure for the management of a primary care problem ie RABIES on a nurse practioner program. Directions :prepare a disease specific standardized procedurefor the management of RABIES. The procedure is to be complete , current and include all the necessary elements specified by the BOARD OF REGISTERED NURSING.In preparing the Standardized procedure, consult the following Reference materials:
California Board of Registered Nursing. (1998). Explanation of RN scope of practice and nurse practitioner practice. Retrieved from
https://www.rn.ca.gov/pdfs/regulations/npr-b- 19.pdf
California Board of Registerd Nursing. (1998). Explanation of standardized procedure requirements for nurse practitioner practice (NPR-B-20). Retrieved from
California Board of Registered Nursing (2004). Frequently asked questions regarding nurs
I have sent you an email. The paper has nothing to do with nurses. It is about individual mandate. PL 111-148 Section 1501. I don't think you did your research before doing this assignment.
Please follow the APA format I provided you. I also include an example of a new scorecard. You did not provide any definition. See my APA format. That is the way I want you to present this paper. Thank you. I will upload the intruction again.
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Order Instructions:
Indivual client health history examination
In this assignment, you will be completing a health assessment on an older adult. To complete this assignment, do the following:
1) Perform a health history on an older adult. Students who do not work in an acute setting may “practice” these skills with a patient, community member,
neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one. (If an older individual is not available, you may choose a younger individual).
2) Complete a physical examination of the client using the “Health History and Examination” template that is attached below. Use “Functional Health Pattern
Assessment,” that is also attached below”
3) Document findings of complete physical examination in standardized communication framework (SBAR) by using the SBAR format. Refer to the “SBAR Template,”located on the National Nurse Leadership Council Web site at
https://www.ihs.gov/medicalprograms/nnlc/documents/SBARTEMPLATE.pdf use this as a guide. Do
The role of stretching in injury prevention and performance are hotly debated topics of tremendous current relevancy. Review the article,” To stretch or not to stretch: the role of stretching in injury prevention and performance”, on the topic of stretching and prepare a three page double spaced summary of the findings. Once you have prepared the summary of the findings then apply those findings to some aspect of professional life.
The final product should include the following elements:
1. APA format, including title and reference pages…..
2. Summary of methods….
3. Summary of results….
4. Summary of conclusions….
5. Application of those findings to your professional or personal life….
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