

Archive for the ‘Health Care and Life Sciences’ Category

Nursing Informatics

Watch: Nursing Informatics/ An Inside Look (20mins)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRbZkUlETp4

- 3 to 4 pages, double spaced in APA
- Title page and reference cited

Summarize the facts about nurse informatics - How does nursing informatics affect the quality of patient care and help reduce the cost of care?


Hi Friend this is different Courses but its one order. I am ordering two pages. One course per page.


Patho DB 4
You have a patient present to the clinic for heart palpitations.  She has a history of hyperthyroid disease. While talking to the patient you discover that she is not sleeping well and does not want to leave her home. You discuss a diagnosis of anxiety with the patient, but she and her husband are resistant to a mental health diagnosis.  How would you discuss this with the patient and family to assist the patient in getting the care that she needs?

Pharmacology DB 4
Treatment of HIV infection generally calls for multiple drug therapy. Name the classes of drug recommended and an example of each class.

Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange

Case Study 3

MN551-4: Evaluate the presence and effects of alteration in the homeostatic state secondary to gender, genetic, ethnic and temporal variables

Select one of the case studies below, and include in your discussion an evaluation of the presence and effects of alteration in the homeostatic state secondary to gender, genetic, ethnic, and temporal variables.


Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.
Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks or evidenced-based websites to support the content.
All sources must be within 5 years.
Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.

Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange

Emmanuel and his mother live in an urban community housing complex. The building is worn down and dirty from the urban dust, cockroaches, and mold. Emmanuel is five years of age and has suffered from asthma for the last two years. One evening, his


Reply to classmates post, at least 125words each reply and 1 scholarly reference within last 5 yeach for each

Post 1

Healthcare workers are dedicated professionals and their purpose is to care for patients to the best of their ability. I feel as if it is common for healthcare workers to forget to take a step back and try to understand why theyre doing what theyre doing. They know the basic why, but its not often thought about the extended reason why. Most of the time, working as a bedside RN, youre given the essential information about the topic and told to do it. In reality, there is much more to know. Healthcare workers do what they do because of translational research.

Translational research takes what healthcare science has discovered and puts the findings into action (Grady, 2010). It goes through a rigorous process before it can be utilized in patient care, however. There are several stages where the research is tested in clinical trials. If it passes, it is

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Finding evidence is key to any QI project & the DNP Scholarly Project.

Create a PICO question (Armstrong & Sables- Baus (2020) Ch 14) to research evidence needed to improve a process at your work place.

At least 2 databases should be utilized (Table 14.1).

Create an outline that includes: a PICO question, search terms used, & Boolean operators used in your literature search.

Draft a 1 paragraph narrative of your search conducted (using scholarly writing).

Also use this text book as one of  the references:

Armstrong, G., Sables-Baus, S., & PCNS-BC, C. P. P. S. (Eds.).(2020). Leadership and Systems Improvement for the DNP. Springer Publishing Company.

*Must be peer reviewed sources from the USA written in past 5 years