Assignment Requirements
I have completed this assignment however did not pass I will upload the assignment I handed up and the feedbac I received, it will need to sound more like a teacher reporting and address the course outcoes and the rubc that the lecture highlighted, you can read her notes. You need to refer to ACARA australan curriculum year 3 English.
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Assignment Requirements
I have attached the instructions.
Assignment 2—Completing the Research Project, Chapters 1-5
Chapter 4: Results
In Chapter 4, you must compare pretest and posttest data in your project. First, discuss how you
administered tests or used other procedures to obtain the data. Then include each bulleted item from
the expected outcomes generated in NGTE 700. Under each, tell whether you met or failed to meet the
outcome. Present scores to indicate whether you accomplished desirable change in the problem.
Interpret your scores, explaining the overall extent to which you succeeded or failed to achieve your
projected outcomes and why. You should not consider your project a failure if you did not achieve all
or many of your objectives, and your course grade is not connected to outcomes. Your goal all along
has been to learn and to gain experience with the applied research proc
Assignment Requirements
Assignment 4 Week 4: Draft a Research Problem
4 Draft a Research Problem
Based on the feedback you received on the topics in Activity 2, select one of those topics, and draft a Statement of the Research Problem. The draft Statement of the Research Problem should be supported by research literature and should have the characteristics identified in Activity 3.
The documents in the Dissertation Center will be helpful in the actual development of this draft. Use the ��comment’ feature of Word to annotate the presence of those characteristics identified in Activity 3 within your draft.
Note: Templates are located under the section heading: “Doctoral Candidacy Milestone Document Resources". Please choose the type (Applied or Ph.D) that corresponds with your degree.
Length: A Statement of the Research Problem 250-400 words. Include 3-5 citations.
Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented i
Assignment Requirements
Include an introduction and conclusion.
As a connoisseur of instruction, a leader of learners, you must share your expertise with school and district personnel. If you were tasked with explaining brain-compatible learning, differentiated instruction, social-emotional development, "Habits of Mind," "Marzano’s Cluster of Strategies," "21st Century Skills," problem-based learning, and authentic learning to a group of educators, what would you say? How would you compare and contrast the strategies so they understand the uniqueness of each while still seeing how they are interconnected?
This week, you are tasked to create an “at-a-glance” table that illustrates, to others, the uniqueness and interconnections of the strategies learned in Weeks 3–5. After completing this, share your table with at least two school or district colleagues, and revise for clarity as needed. Remember to use your Learning Resources from Weeks 3–5 to help you complete this
Assignment Requirements
Assignment 1 is an independent project for you to build your “own systems theory.” You are required to apply all of your knowledge of a system through readings of the text as well as other scholarly articles-publications. Think of any industry and how they were the change agents or game changers. Keep in mind the companies that “re-invented” retail and wholesale, the cup-of-coffee, the hamburger, and/or the automobile industry to name a few.
The structure of your paper should include, but not limited to, topics that will make your proposed organization improve: (a) predictions and anticipations, (b) define your purpose-what it is you are to accomplish, (c) rules how you will operate, (d) continuous improvement, (e) feedback and evaluation, (f) learning, (g) culture, (h) human capital, (i) cycle of change, and (j) accountability. Keep in mind that this is your personal system, so use any characteristics of a system you envision as the above ment
Assignment Requirements
Assignment 1 is an independent project for you to build your “own systems theory.” You are required to apply all of your knowledge of a system through readings of the text as well as other scholarly articles-publications. Think of any industry and how they were the change agents or game changers. Keep in mind the companies that “re-invented” retail and wholesale, the cup-of-coffee, the hamburger, and/or the automobile industry to name a few.
The structure of your paper should include, but not limited to, topics that will make your proposed organization improve: (a) predictions and anticipations, (b) define your purpose-what it is you are to accomplish, (c) rules how you will operate, (d) continuous improvement, (e) feedback and evaluation, (f) learning, (g) culture, (h) human capital, (i) cycle of change, and (j) accountability. Keep in mind that this is your personal system, so use any characteristics of a system you envision as the above ment
Assignment Requirements
Topic: Applying a literacy learning strategy
Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 2, 3
Weighting: 50%
Length: 2500 words (+/- 10%) (includes all text and reference list; doesn’t include cover sheet or appendices)
Task Description:
Higher education setting
For this assignment, you will need to enrol in one of the Academic Skills workshop tutorials through the library website and critically evaluate its value in meeting your academic literacy needs or those of other students. For this purpose use evidence from the readings provided in this course and other relevant literature.
Assessment criteria by which your essay will be marked:
Criterion Weighting (%)
1. clarity of the description of the online resource 10
2. clarity of the description of your needs and potentially those of other students 15
3. excellence of the critique of the resource 30
4. depth of your understanding of the implications for universities to develop and make available such resou
Assignment Requirements
I will upload my presentation i give to you idea about my presentation.
and critique my classmate i would like similar critique for my classmate but without plagiarism.
My presentation is going to critique construction project management (2) in construction based on the policy Sustainable Development Project .
I was to perform a presentation to my fellow colleagues on the issue of Social and ethical issues in construction and how they are do. put planing for project,
consideration for ,Compliance with legislation , Cost impact analysis ect
After finishing and observing my presentation I was able to evaluate myself and knew what i was supposed to do in future. It was good for me to rehearse before my friends before doing the presentation so as to increase the level of confidence in me since I was not one of the best speakers publicly. All the same, from the critique I received from my colleagues and by evaluating myself, was able to know my s
Assignment Requirements
Assessment task 2:ESSAY: Locate and analyse an organisation that is conducting a digital campaign,using Web 2.0, to bring about social change.
Objectives: a, b, e, f
Value: 50%
Due date: Monday, 9th June
The second assessment task is to select an organisation that is currently campaigning on a social change issue and to analyse this campaign. You are not required to, but consider communicating directly with the organisation. In selecting a campaign for your case study, be sure not to choose a campaign that is primarily about awareness raising, recruiting or marketing. In this subject, we focus on campaigns that seek to bring about social changes in communities such as protecting the environment, addressing racism, changing policies and legislation. I recommend that you ‘shop around’ a little at first. Identify several social change campaigns or organisations (e.g. GetUp!,,, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Occupy Sydney, the Natu
Assignment Requirements
In two to three pages, discuss the role of assessment in curriculum planning. Your paper must include the following;
What are the objectives of assessment?
What value does assessment brings to the curriculum planning process?
How can the knowledge gained through assessment be applied while planning activities for an individual child and the collective group?
Which assessments are best used in an early childhood education setting?
Please include your own insights and reflections on the above questions as you complete this paper on the role of assessment in the development of a meaningful curriculum for young children. Additionally, refer to Chapters 1- 3 of your text, article Beyond Outcomes: How Ongoing Assessment Supports Children�s Learning and Leads to Meaningful Curriculum, and one website.
Your paper must be two to three pages in length (double-spaced, not including title and reference pages) and utilize APA formatting. It must cite scholarly