

Archive for the ‘Education’ Category


Read and write 2 paragraph

  • Read Rae-Dupree's 2008 newspaper article, "If You're Open to Growth, You Tend to Grow" from the New York Times.
  • Skim O'Rourke, Haimovitz, Ballwebber, Dweck, and  Popovic's 2014 article, "Brain Points: A Growth Mindset Incentive Structure Boosts Persistence in an Educational Game" from the CHI '14 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
  • Open the Writing and Research Worksheet in the Resources. Using the Writing and Research Worksheet, write two paragraphs answering the following questions: What type of information is included in the scholarly article but not in the newspaper article that provides you with a deeper understanding of the topic? How could the scholarly article be more helpful to you when supporting the arguments?
  • Using APA style, cite each article at least once in your response and include a reference citation for the New York Tim

Visualizing Science Disssections in 3D: How do Students Respond to Multidimensional learning materials in Science Dissections

I would like to work closely with you to refine my dissertation for completion in 30 to 60 days (my draft is 90 pages with references, when we add the final chapters, probably btw 100 to 125 pages. My advisors would like me to focus on three of the 16 students (lowest, middle and highest performance on the tests and questionnaires and audio recordings) and do mini case studies of how they responded. Research questions: How do students respond to different multi-dimensional learning materials in dissection activities? Can virtual dissections/#D instruction enhance their engagement w/science dissections? (How they thought they took advantage of the different media in each condition with paper,live frog and virtual dissections?) Reframing: Can various forms of 3D instruction motivate / learning, Add social learning theories of: Branford & Schwartz, Vygotsky on scaffolding, proximal development (3D theorists), Piaget on children and three dimensional learning, H

Development of an assessment-infused unit of work

Assignment 3: Development of an assessment-infused unit of work This task requires you to take an existing teaching unit from your context and to infuse it with the principles and practices of assessment for learning as discussed throughout the course and related readings. The unit should include: � A statement of rationale, purpose, and focus � Details of student learning activities � Details of assessment activities � Details of resources to be used � Reflection and Concluding statement of 1800 words explaining how the unit embodies AfL principles and demonstrates your understanding of key concepts and issues (cite a range of literature) explicitly raised during the course and in your follow up readings. Alternatively, if you have an innovative assessment practice (original) and you have used it in your class, you can write a paper (3,500 words) to describe it. You need to provide a strong theoretical rationale and discuss its practical applications in improving st

Lesson Plan 1

Course Text: Read 1-9 Title: Building Teachers: A Constructivist Approach to Introducing Education Edition: 2nd (2014) Author: Martin, Loomis Publisher: Cengage Book ISBN: 978-1133943013 Create your own lesson plan. In order to do this you need to be familiar with useful online resources. Search the internet to find various lesson plans. You can use the following websites or choose one of your own: ? Scholastic? ? The Lesson Plans Page? ? Discovery Education? ? Lesson Plan? Asking the correct questions before writing the actual lesson plan is very important. This video will demonstrate the importance of asking questions about your objectives or goals, the student?s or audience and assessing each objective. Review this U.S. Department of Education site about effective lesson planning: https://lincs.ed.gov/programs/teal/guide/lessonplanning Once

Comprehensive Literature Review project

Hi I have project (Comprehensive Literature Review project) � final report + Reflection The topic is Research - Information Literacy research of Annmaree Lloyd Annmaree Lloyd: has profile in google which https://anniemlloyd.com/ The important points: 1- I have done the project brief (Plan) you have to have a look on this to do the report. �find the (project brief (plan) + feedback from supervisor) �attached. 2- I have done the annotated bibliography + search strategy �please find (annotated bibliography + Feedback)� attached. Please see the feedback from supervisor and work on it. 3- I want you to write final report + Reflection maximum 10000 words by following the structure (requirements) �find the (structure + criteria) file attached. Note: you have to follow the brief any change is unacceptable. Please follow the brief. The words limited is 10000 word

e- learning

have done every thing but need to be organised literature review need add some recent reference - impractical research papered reorganized - data analysis and discussion chapters only page 101 - 113 demographic if you check how strong and explained enough need to be restructuring the table of content data analysis and discussion chapters and write the conclusion and recommendations page 112 - 143 qualitative analysis still i'm working on this part - if you can improve it find Scatterplot on some part specially on usage of TPACK and deterrent between Saudi Arabia and Australia create 3 figures models 1- compare between saudi and australia 2- factors to improve usage of ICT in education 3- what ever do you think necessary 150- to the end - students and teachers data analysis and discussion - conclusion need some work and more reorganizing check tables of content - table numbers and references style and correcting grammar, punctuation, spelling, repeated words, and

Visualizing Science Disssections in 3D: How do Students Respond to Multidimensional learning materials in Science Dissections

I would like to work closely with you to refine my dissertation for completion in 30 to 60 days (my draft is 90 pages with references, when we add the final chapters, probably btw 100 to 125 pages. My advisors would like me to focus on three of the 16 students (lowest, middle and highest performance on the tests and questionnaires and audio recordings) and do mini case studies of how they responded. Research questions: How do students respond to different multi-dimensional learning materials in dissection activities? Can virtual dissections/#D instruction enhance their engagement w/science dissections? (How they thought they took advantage of the different media in each condition with paper,live frog and virtual dissections?) Reframing: Can various forms of 3D instruction motivate / learning, Add social learning theories of: Branford & Schwartz, Vygotsky on scaffolding, proximal development (3D theorists), Piaget on children and three dimensional learning, H

Intentional Teaching and Integrated Curriculum

Dear writer, Thank you for you last writing. There is another one. Please make sure follow the instruction that I offered. And is any chance I can receive your work by 21/10. I really really appreciate your help.

Comprehensive Literature Review project

I have project (Comprehensive Literature Review project) � final report + Reflection The topic is Research - Information Literacy research of Annmaree Lloyd Annmaree Lloyd: has profile in google which https://anniemlloyd.com/ The important points: 1- I have done the project brief (Plan) you have to have a look on this to do the report. �find the (project brief (plan) + feedback from supervisor) �attached. 2- I have done the annotated bibliography + search strategy �please find (annotated bibliography + Feedback)� attached. Please see the feedback from supervisor and work on it. 3- I want you to write final report + Reflection maximum 10000 words by following the structure (requirements) �find the (structure + criteria) file attached. Note: you have to follow the brief any change is unacceptable. Please follow the brief. The words limited is 10000 words or less