

Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

Where I Am From, by Borrego and Manning-Essay

Dear writer here is another work. there are two instruction for you. the following one is from from professor Rationale: This assignment provides an opportunity for personal reflection and consideration of the importance of a student’s social identities related to the student’s personal development and experience of college. Assignment: After reading the book, Where I Am From, by Borrego and Manning, write a narrative about your own life explaining where you are from, who you are, why you are the way you are, etc. No style requirements (except 14 pt. Arial). Just let your creativity and imagination flow: your narrative may take the form of a poem, a prose essay, an autobiographical history, a cultural identity description, etc. (Please consult with the instructors if you need help deciding on a narrative format.) Evaluative criteria. The assignment will be evaluated on demonstrated personal reflection, creativity, and evidence of consideration of content in Where I Am From in d


Order Description PLEASE SEND ME A DRAFT. SO I CAN HAVE THE PROFESSOR LOOK AT IT). I have a group of 3rd Grade ESE ( Exceptional Education Students) with a "Modified CurrIculum". The program that I use is the "UNIQUE LEARNING PROGRAM" I WILL UP-LOAD THE LESSON PLAN AND WORKSHEETS. THE Pre-assessment is the "CHECKPOINT OF THE Unique LEARNING Program". PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW; Each student will create an analysis of students’ learning based on work samples that include the following components: a.identify an outcome, based on pre- or early- assessment data b.determine evidences of learning to meet successful achievement of the outcome/s c.teach the outcome embedding formative assessment techniques using at least two technology tools (e.g., student response systems, Survey Monkey) which yield both qualitative and quantitative data d.develop a summative assessment based on the targeted outcome e.analyze the success o

Institutional Practices Affecting First-Year Hispanic Students Community Colleges in Texas-Essay

Order Description Chapter 4 Results - Doctoral level and knowledgeable statistician. I'm not sure which analysis method I should use. I was thinking about chi-square but what I really need to do is see if differences exist between gender, enrollment status, etc. for institutional practices. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Theoretical Framework -Coursework

Read chapters 1 and 2 of a published dissertation by Constance L. Pearson (provided in the Reading & Study folder). After reading the chapters, write a 2-3 page summary of the theoretical framework that is used. Be sure that you include an explanation of how the theory and the research question tie together. Additionally, focus on demonstrating higher-level thinking through your word choices, sentence structures, and explanation methods. Review the Analysis of Theoretical Framework Grading Rubric for more details on how your paper will be graded. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Curriculum Review and Assessment- Research Paper

Need at least 6 peer reviewed journal articles -- no bibliography needed-- no index needed Select an entire learning or training curriculum that includes many different levels of learners (e.g., select an entire K-3 curriculum, K-6 math curriculum, the English curriculum for a high school, or a company's training curriculum including at least six different curriculums). The paper should include at least six different curriculums to be reviewed for this paper. The curriculum should be added in the Appendix parts of this final paper or as a separate file turned in with your final Unit 5 IP paper. The following elements should be included in the curriculum you choose: ?objectives, preferably standard-based objectives, for every level and subject ?scope and sequence for the objectives ?a number of activities or lessons for many of the grades and subjects ?descriptions of facilities and equipment ?descriptions of instructor/trainer and administrator roles ?audience descriptions Design an

Portfolio assessment-Research Paper

Order Description Need peer reviewed journal articles as sources-- no abstract-- bibliography -- or table of contents needed Discuss the purpose of portfolio assessment and how they can be used in training and education. ?Discuss how portfolio assessments might be used in corporate training, higher education, and K?12. ?Discuss how portfolios would be used during student presence in a program that lasts several years. In other words, discuss the use of portfolios beyond 1 course or 1 year. ?Use examples to clarify your discussion. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Study Guide-Coursework

Order Description you would need to read chapter three and answer the questions in the study guide This is the book you will be reading chapter three of it : The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis, Seventh Edition Jeanne H. Ballantine; Floyd M. Hammack ISBN-13 978-0-205-80091-9 This is a new edition and prior versions will not work. I will upload the study guide questions too. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Using Political Influence to Promote Change-Coursework

Using Political Influence to Promote Change Two of the required articles in this module explore techniques that effective leaders have used to influence education decision making. Bastedo (2005) describes the practice of "institutional entrepreneurship" in higher education, in which the members of a governing board leverage the cooperation of powerful partners to reach their goals. Casto and Sipple (2011) describe P–12 leaders who let themselves be led by the values of their local communities, regardless of the source of the funding or mandates. In this Discussion, you and your colleagues will examine the characteristics and behaviors of an individual whom you consider to be an effective education leader based on his or her use of political influence to produce positive change. To prepare for the Discussion, read the assigned articles focusing on the nature of political influence in education and the role of leadership. Then, address the following: Select an ind

Preparing for Sustainable Strategic Success-Coursework

Preparing for Sustainable Strategic Success The following study was conducted by Bloom & Unterman (2012): Mandated and sweeping change can have an effect the macro and micro levels of planning. For example, between the fall of 2002 and the fall of 2008, New York City undertook a district-wide reform initiative that improved graduation rates for students in 123 public high schools known as “small schools of choice” (SSCs). Through a lottery system, the city implemented a centralized high school admissions process that assigned over 90% of the incoming ninth graders each year to a SSC of their choice. As a result of this strategic plan, graduation rates increased from 68.7% in year four to 75.2% in year five. Graduation rates have continued to improve. These successful outcomes were a result of organizational planning that took place at the macro and micro levels. For this Discussion, consider how New York City implemented strategies to achieve and maintain sustainable succ

Traveling salesman problem -Coursework

Question: You need to carry out a short investigation into the effect of different starting solutions and tabu list lengths for runs of a fixed number of iterations when using Tabu Search for a TSP, using the software provided in the course (Which is in additional file ) Zip Before you start I suggest that you make some practice runs of Tabu Search using the software, so as to become thoroughly familiar with it.  Then you will need to make several runs "for real". You should conduct your experiments for one set of data: use city125.txt. Use the following settings: Delay factor: Use a value of 1 or more in order to observe how a search is progressing using the map. When you have decided what runs you want to record, set the delay to zero and the program will run more quickly. Results are updated in the output window as normal, but the map only shows the initial and best solutions. Initial solution: Use Successive Inclusion or Random. Starting city:   For every run the starting c