

Business Report of British Airways

Part A (Business Report) outline
(2000 words, 70% weighting, evidences learning outcomes 1-4, figure 2)

This will take the form of a Business Report. The scenario is that you are working for a company that has commissioned a consultancy firm to provide a report outlining the current position of your company and its evolving business environment. You have to advise your company through your Business Report how best to respond to possible opportunities and potential threats.

The chosen company is British Airways.

Your report will
    summarise the consultants report
    identify which opportunities and threats it will respond to and why
    propose and briefly outline 5 possible responses to improve and innovate the companys business model and product/service offerings. You should concisely indicate which opportunity or threat they link to and how they will create value
    evaluate and select which proposal to take forward outlining and justifying your choice of criteria used to evaluate and select the idea being taken forward
    outline how the selected idea will be taken forward. You should describing
o    how any key barriers might be addressed
o    what factors might work in favour of taking the idea forward
o    what critical piece of market research you would carry out explaining how you would do it and why it is important to undertake this research

A guide is written for Part A, please use the information provided and expand on it.

Part B (Individual Reflective Piece) outline
(1000 words, 30% weighting, evidences learning outcomes 5, figure 2)

This will take the form of an Individual Reflective Piece in which you reflect on how the enterprise principles discussed in the unit will help with your own future learning and professional practice. Your reflection should address one of the 4 topics listed below.

Please select one of the topics listed below as the focus for your reflection (a, b, c OR d)

a)    How the unit has created a new understanding as to how your discipline can contribute to innovation.
b)    Changed the way you think about and will interact with a business, its services and products. What is it about the unit and the material / activities covered that has resulted in this change in behaviour?
c)    Change the way you will look / are looking for employment opportunities. For example, reflecting on what jobs you would have been looking for prior to taking this unit and what you are looking for now. What has brought about this change?
d)    How you would approach writing covering letter and CV highlighting the enterprise principles developed over your time on this unit and what would be of value to any potential employer and why. Please note that you arent being asked to actually write the letter or to draft your CV.

The approach we will use, will be based on Bortons model (figure 1). Further resources on reflection will be made available on Blackboard and will be covered in class.

More detailed instruction in the “instruction” doc. Also, please use the researched information(such as the pestle analysis, porter’s five forces) in “BA Guide”.


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