

Business proposal

Assignment Requirements

This essay requires to write a business proposal and the instructions are showed below. And after the instruction there is one previous student’s example. Please seriously follow the same format of the example. Thank you.
Project 2: The Topic-Approval Proposal
General Instructions
For this assignment you are to write a formal approval-request letter seeking my approval for your chosen topic and permission to proceed with the research necessary to complete the final assignment—your formal analytical report. The topic-approval proposal is the first document in a sequence leading up to that final assignment. This sequence includes the topic-approval proposal (Project 2), the progress report (Project 4), and the formal analytical report (Project 5).

Because Project 2 is so closely related to Project 4, the progress report, and Project 5, the formal analytical report, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the guidelines for the two other projects in this series before you begin working on Project 2. Indeed, reviewing the Project 4 and Project 5 guidelines first will enable you to complete Project 2 with greater success.

Because your final report (Project 5) will make recommendations to solve the problem you identify in this project (Project 2), you’ll need to choose a topic wisely. The problem you choose must be an actual problem that exists in your world, and it must also be one you have a reasonable chance of coming up with solution recommendations for by the end of the semester. Please note that hypothetical problems will not be approved.

Let’s say absenteeism is a big problem where you work, and you’d like to help solve this problem. During the remainder of the semester, you’ll conduct research and explore possible solutions that you’ll present in a formal report to your supervisor. Or you might identify a problem in your community. For example, you may decide you want to come up with ways to keep the teenagers in your rural community productively engaged during the summer months. Or you might look to a group you’re closely involved in. Perhaps you’re a member of Big Brothers/Big Sisters and you’ve noticed the number of people volunteering to act as Brothers and Sisters has taken a dip in the last 12 months. All of these scenarios would make great topics for the final report. Topics that will not be approved are ones that take on issues you have no reasonable chance of addressing in a few months’ time. Problems like world hunger or world peace are clearly out of the topic pool. Anything involving the NCAA, the PGA, or another national organization will also be rejected as a topic proposal. You have to be able to interview people, gain access to records, etc. in order to come up with viable solutions that you can then put forth in your final report. There is no way you can accomplish this unless you have close ties with the organization.

When writing the topic-approval proposal, think of me as someone who wants to be sure that you choose a project from which you can learn a great deal and on which you can do a good job. I need to be convinced that this project is important and that you have the ability to complete it.

While I am willing to consider a wide range of topics for your report, you must persuade me that you have chosen a worthwhile issue that you are capable of handling well. In reading your topic-approval proposal letter, I will be looking for answers to the following questions:

What problem will your final report address? Have you clearly identified a problem that a real business or organization is experiencing by defining a conflict between a desired situation and the current situation?
Whose problem is it? Who will read the final report? What is your position relative to your final report’s readers?
Why is this problem significant for these readers? What’s at stake?
Do you have a handle on the specific research (both primary and secondary) that you’ll need to conduct to come up with one or more viable solutions to the problem? Have you identified specific individuals whom you’ll interview? Similar organizations you can analyze? Specific online or print resources you can access?
What makes you qualified to carry out the project? How are you affiliated with the business or organization? What educational or professional experiences do you have that qualify you to investigate the problem you’ve identified? What additional skills, experiences, or interests do you possess that you can draw upon as you complete this project sequence?
What will it take to gather the necessary information and complete your analyses? Can you complete your report in the time remaining this semester, using resources readily available to you?
Do you have a work plan for your project? Do you have a schedule that shows specifically when certain activities must be completed this semester if you are to finish the project on time?
Proposal Format
The format of this assignment should be that of a formal business letter. Protocols for business letter composition are provided in one of our previous readings (“Understanding the Principles of Business Correspondence”) and you are encouraged to use the student examples in the Project 2 folder as further models. Select your information and organize it in such a way that it is persuasive and accessible. Include:

An introduction that tells me why you are writing.
A section on the problem, including an explicit, well developed problem statement. Convince me that the audience for your final report is facing a tough and important problem.
A section describing your plans for researching the problem and developing a solution. Convince me that you know what kind of information you’ll need and where to find it. Include an analysis of your readers and what information they’ll need in order to adopt your solution.
A discussion of your credentials. Convince me that you have the background and resources necessary to conduct your research.
A schedule. Convince me that you know what activities your research will require and that you can get them done on time.
A conclusion that formally requests permission to proceed.
Your proposal should persuade me that a significant problem exists in a real organization and that you should be permitted to solve it. You do not have to have the solution to the problem at this time; rather, you are requesting approval to research possible solutions and prepare a formal analytical report.

You should probably begin your letter by convincing me that a significant need exists that calls for the work you propose. In short, how will your project benefit the organization and the audience for your formal report? Sometimes convincing the reader will be relatively easy, but other times it will be difficult to get your reader to acknowledge that a significant problem exists.

After you have convinced your reader of a need for your work, include a detailed description of your work plan. Will you go to the library and research the latest techniques in your field? Will you write a computer program? Will you investigate the cost of new equipment? Will you talk to people who have solved the problem for other organizations? Some combination of these? Convince me that this plan for research is the right path leading to a solution and that the time exists in this semester to do the work well. This work plan must also be plotted with time; you must indicate what work you will be doing during each of the weeks left in the semester. Sections of your proposal should also detail the resources you have to solve this problem and your qualifications to do this work.

Evaluative Criteria
The proposal contains a clear and convincing problem statement (6 pts)
The author provides a detailed and logical research plan for investigating the problem and a feasible schedule for completing the objectives (6 pts)
The composition of the proposal demonstrates standard protocols for successful business writing (6 pts)
The author establishes credibility and inspires confidence from the reader (6 pts)
The writer has provided constructive responses to two of his or her colleagues’ rough drafts (6 pts)

Here is the example
10 Vairo Blvd. Apt. 111
State College, PA 16803
February 16, 2000

Catherine Thomas
116 Burrowes Building
Department of English
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

Dear Catherine Thomas:

This proposal will introduce you to the expansion of Patricia Haversack’s fudge business and will proceed with your approval. The solutions of the problem will be addressed to Patricia. Throughout this letter, I will brief you on the problem that exists, plans for research, a schedule to complete the project, and the qualifications I have to suggest solutions to the problem.

The Problem
Patricia Haversack established the Candy Wagon approximately thirty years ago. The Candy Wagon is a concession stand that travels within Pennsylvania to three fairs and a few carnivals during the summer months. In addition to selling fudge during the summer, Patricia also sells fudge out of her home for the Christmas and Easter holidays. Patricia’s key strategy is to sell a non-commercial product, homemade fudge, of high quality and freshness at a reasonable price while maintaining exceptional community reputation.

Over the past several years, the demand for Patricia’s fudge has increased; therefore, she is now proposing the idea of expanding the business. During the holidays, escalating orders are beginning to limit the amount of personal time Patricia has for herself and family. Patricia has expressed that she needs to develop out of her home so that supplies and products don’t take up her kitchen and dining room space. As a result of the expansion, she will be faced with product/service competition, financial situations, and profitability issues. Her product, which is well know to the community because of the local fair, could now be sold year around, in hopes, to provide a service many customers will enjoy.

To accomplish the goal of expansion, several different solutions need to be explored to best fit the business’s needs. The consideration of change could be limited due to excessive expansion expenses. If the development doesn’t occur, Patricia will continue to sell fudge out of her home during holidays and travel to fairs and carnivals during the summer months, which will constrain the potential profit increase that would come from expansion.

Research Plans
In order to find the best solution(s) of the problem, a large amount of research needs to be done. I will research alternative solutions to best fit Patricia’s business in regards to expenses, profits, and competition. The following are some methods and perspective contacts for researching:

Visit or call the Clearfield Court House for target market information such as, the amount of people that live in Clearfield County
Visit locations in downtown Clearfield and the Clearfield Mall to obtain information on rent expense
Obtain information from local area Gardner’s Candies for a competitive outlook
Interview and consult with Patricia in reference to her inclination on alternative solutions in regards to their strengths and weaknesses
Talk with Patricia about equipment and material expenses
Interview Joe Welch, a well-informed Internet operator, in relation to Internet options (web site, email, ordering system)
Research details on mail orders at the library
February 27

Contact Patricia for business data
March 5-12

Meet with Patricia to review business strategy and alternative solution ideas
Prepare questions to ask contacts
Collect data from Joe Welch
Develop a market research plan by conducting research on competitors and substitute products; rent expenses, the target market, and stakeholders involved
March 17-19

Review financial plans with Patricia such as: pricing strategies of the product, rent expense, Internet costs, and fundraising options
Describe to Patricia the major approaches that could be taken to address her problem
Prepare progress report (outline of in-progress and completed work)
March 25, 26

Revise progress report for final draft
April 1, 2

Look over progress report and add details on gathered data
April 15,16

Begin to prepare feasibility report (create an outline, charts/graphs, executive summary)
Gather any missing data that will influence the recommended solution.
April 20,21

Write feasibility report
April 26

Revise feasibility report for final draft

Being that Patricia is my grandmother, I have grown up around the business. I have worked with Patricia since I was 12 years old at the fairs and have helped prepare for the holiday sales. I am very interested in finding a solution for the problem to help her. My business background, in relation to accounting, will help throughout the financial sections of the project. Due to my internship experience as an interviewer, my communication skills will be of assistance when approaching contacts, such as competitors. As a result, I have qualifications that will assist in discovering the appropriate solution for the business.

You now have a better understanding of the problem that exists and the research needed to complete the project. I believe I have shown that I have the qualifications required to research the problem in which will result in an unbiased solution. I look forward to acquiring your permission to explore this problem further to help benefit Patricia’s fudge business.

Thank you,

Danielle Jaffy

Danielle Jaffy


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