

Archive for the ‘Religion / Theology’ Category

Abrahamic Religions

1. According to the mainstream of each of our Abrahamic religions starting in reverse order with Islam, then Christianity and Judaism, what is the vision of a true believers heavenly reward?

2. Graphically illustrate each view somewhere and somehow in your Discussion Board response. [Searching Google "images" might be a good starting point for this.]

3. How are all three different from what you personally believe will occur after death? For example, Mormons have very specific teachings about what happens in the after-life..

Woman at the Well

Analyze the cultural background of Jesus encounter with the Samaritan
woman at the well in John 4. Address the significance of Jesus interaction with her as a woman
and as a Samaritan. Describe how Jesus displayed cultural sensitivity towards her and offer
application to people from different time periods. Explain how the passage leads one to model
similar characteristics of cultural sensitivity towards individuals of different cultural backgrounds.
This essay must be 14 16 pages in Turabian format with footnotes as well as an annotated
bibliography. The sources must include at least three primary sources and a minimum of eight
secondary sources with an Annotated Bibliography.

Reflecting on Johns Gospel

I dont have all the reuired materials for this assignment if you could just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!

In your weekly course journal, you will reflect on prompts and consider what it may look like to reflect a Christian worldview within John. Keep in mind that this is an opportunity to reflect on your growth and understanding and perhaps consider course concepts a bit differently than you have before.

In 2 double-spaced pages, consider Johns Gospel from a biblical perspective. Choose 2 "threads" of integrating a Christian worldview to write about from the list of options below. Clearly identify which 2 threads you have chosen. Be sure to explain what your chosen threads might look like in theory and practice. Try to use all threads by the end of the course.

Biblical Integration "Threads" (choose 2):

God-Worshiping: The Christian worldview understands that worshiping God is about celebrating who God is, what God has done and is do

John 1321

I dont have all the required materials for this assignment if you can just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!

Next, we will explore John 1321.

Read and watch the following resources in order to better understand the second portion of John's Gospel:

John 1321
Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus, pages 386393
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, "Lamb of God (Links to an external site.)"
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, "I Am Sayings (Links to an external site.)"
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, "Farewell Discourse (Links to an external site.)"

Begin by reviewing all that you have learned from John's Gospel in these last 2 weeks.

Then, create a Fab 5 list of the concepts that you believe are the most important from John's Gospel. You may follow a simple list structure for each Fab 5. Summarize the concepts in your own words. You need to have 23 sentences per item describing the concept and why it

Hypothetical Interview with John

I dont have all the required materials for this assignment if you can just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!

The purpose of this assignment series is to identify the particular and distinctive contributions of John's Gospel. To accomplish this, you will create an imaginary interview with John, and while some of the questions are provided below, you will provide what you think their answers would be according to John.

Below are the questions you must ask John:

What motivated you to write your Gospel?
What credentials do you have in writing this Gospel?
Since Matthew, Luke, and John also wrote Gospels, what do you offer in your Gospel as a distinctive contribution?
What do you hope that readers of your Gospel especially understand and apply after reading your Gospel?
In 10 words or less, explain your portrait of Christ. In other words, state what one learns about Jesus in your Gospel in a way that that is especially unique to your Go

Current Events as They Relate to Johns Gospel

I dont have all the reqired materials for this assignment if you could just do your best it would be greatly appreciated.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to view the world and its circumstances the way Jesus would. There is much in our society and the world as a whole that can sharpen our minds and our philosophies when it comes to this discipline. Applying the Gospel to what is happening around you is important in developing your biblical worldview.

Begin by finding a reputable article about a current event that has occurred in the past year that displays similarity and disparity with John's Gospel, its narrations, themes or purpose. Read the article and consider how it connects to what we have been learning in John's Gospel.

Then, in a 1- to 2-page, double-spaced reaction, complete the following:

Provide the link to your article.
Write a brief paragraph summary of the story in your own words.
Share how you think this article displays

PechaKucha Presentation: Final

Your presentation using the PechaKucha approach will be uploaded here. Be sure to closely follow the instructions provided in PechaKucha Presentation: Introduction and upload your PowerPoint Show as an attachment in your initial discussion post here.

To create your presentation in PowerPoint, follow the guidelines below. (These instructions relate to PowerPoint 2016. You may need to search the internet for instructions specific to your version of PowerPoint.) In addition, you can watch this brief how-to video.

Open PowerPoint and begin a new presentation.
With your first slide selected, click the Transitions tab.
Under Advance Slide on the right-hand side, check After and enter 20 seconds in the box.
Click Apply to All and then create 19 more slides.
Now you may add your pictures to each slide.
Now, to add audio to the presentation, complete the following steps.

Click the Insert tab and then click Audio. If given the option, choose Record Aud


respond to the following prompts.

1. What is your opinion about Christians working to convert other Christians, who are not in their denomination to join them, to save them from the consequences of sin and earn the rewards of heaven?

2. Whats your opinion about converting non-Christians?

3. What about doing Christ-like good works in faith-based missionary settings whether in inner-cities or in impoverished countries?

4. Have you had any experiences in this type of charitable regard? If so, what good did it do for you. If not, would you seek one out?

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Please adhere to the following guidelines for this Reading Response Paper for:

Griggs, Donald L. Teaching Todays Teachers To Teach. (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003)

Students this a Graduate Level Course and work must reflect a graduate level writing.

Pay attention to sentence structure, spelling, and grammar

Please read Chapter 10 and complete the following.

1.    Analyze (a critical assessment)

a.    Do a specific critique of two or more concepts in the assigned readings.  Things to consider: Are the concepts relevant Why/why not? Are the concepts manageable, realistic Why/why not? Which concepts of the assigned reading resonate with you -Why/why not? Which concepts of the assigned reading do not resonate with you -Why/why not?

b.    What ministry is it applicable to?

c.    Remember to analyze the concepts, not just agree/disagree wit

Any topic (writer’s choice)

* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter.  You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.
* Your reflections need not be long, but they need to be specific enough to show that you have given the chapter a good read. A comment that reads, I like the chapter. It is interesting, does not count.